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Unlimited Web Hosting - Kualo

Hello, today is Wednesday, January 15th, 2025 

lap top porn image

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directNIC: Domains for Less!
directNIC: Domains for Less! Search for the Perfect Domain Name:
directNIC: Domains for Less!
directNIC: Domains for Less!

the unstoppable virus

womanI thought you would want to know about this e-mail virus. Even the most advanced programs from Norton or McAfee cannot take care of this one. It appears to affect those who were born prior to 1960.

1. Causes you to send the same e-mail twice. done that!
2. Causes you to send a blank e-mail !that too!
3. Causes you to send e-mail to the wrong person. yep!
pc doctor4. Causes you tosend it back to the person who sent it to you. Aha!
5. Causes you to forget to attach the attachment. well darn!
6. Causes you to hit "SEND" before you've finished. Oh, no - not again!
7. Causes you to hit "DELETE" instead of "SEND." and I just hate that!
8. Causes you to hit "SEND" when you should "DELETE." Oh No!
Hmmm....Have I already sent this to you?



How to change windows 8 language

If you have purchased your laptop in Spanish and with a windows 8 operating system, it is simple to change via the control panel under clock, language and region settings. Click add a language then choose English and click to download and install it. Watch the video below to see how simple it is. You can change back and forth between the languages if some of your family wish to use another language. Windows 8 is designed for multi national families.


Configure windows 8 to look and feel like windows 7- May 2013

Windows 8 is provoking a Marmite-like reaction among users, but that doesn't mean you'll fall directly into the love or hate camps. It's more likely you'll find certain new features useful and others unnecessary. If you're pining for features no longer present, this article is for you.

In this how-to guide, I'll reveal how to water down or ignore some of Windows 8's more controversial features and restore functionality you thought had gone forever. While these tips aren't strictly about making Windows 8 like Windows 7, they address a few annoying niggles:

  1. Bypass the Start screen and disable hotspots
  2. Restore the classic Start menu
  3. Access Metro apps from the classic desktop
  4. Customise the Win+X menu
  5. Dump the File Explorer ribbon
  6. Stop opening files in modern apps
  7. Restore the Windows briefcase
  8. Access POP email in Mail
  9. Restore gadgets
  10. Pin any file or folder to the Start screen
  11. And another thing...
  12. And finally...

If you prefer the easy route watch the video below about installing Classic Shell (click the link left to download and then install) to do it all for you for free.


Bypass the Start screen and disable hotspots

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 1

When Windows 8 first loads, you'll notice how it defaults to the new Start screen. If you'd rather go straight to the traditional desktop we all know and love, download a free tool called Skip Metro Suite. Once installed, launch the program and verify 'Skip Start Screen' is ticked.

While you're here, you'll notice that you can also disable some or all of Windows 8's hotspots, allowing you to safely roll your mouse into the corners of the screen, without worrying about triggering the charms bar, apps switcher or Start button. They're all enabled by default, so simply untick those features you wish to keep before clicking Save Settings.

Restore the classic Start menu

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 3

The lack of a Start button (never mind Start menu) on the Windows 8 desktop is annoying, but there are plenty of options for getting it back. Stardock's Start8 costs $4.99 (about £3) for a Windows 8-friendly design. But if you want something more traditional (and free), install the Classic Start Menu portion of Classic Shell instead.

Once installed, you'll see the Start button appear -- click this to open the Settings menu and pick your Start menu design ('classic', XP and Vista/7 are all supported). Click OK and your new Start menu is ready to go.

Access Metro apps from the classic desktop

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 4

It's possible, by installing Classic Start Menu and Skip Metro Suite, to avoid the Start screen entirely, but how do you access modern apps without it? Simple, add a new shortcut folder on your classic desktop. Right-click a blank area of the desktop and choose New > Shortcut. Now carefully type the following (or copy and paste it) into the location box:

  • %windir%\explorer.exe shell:::{4234d49b-0245-4df3-b780-3893943456e1}

Click Next, give your shortcut a suitably descriptive name -- like Modern Apps -- and click Finish.

Customise the Win+X menu

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 5

In lieu of the missing Start menu, Windows 8 provides a handy selection of shortcuts when you press Win+X. Customising this list can be done by hand by browsing to a hidden folder -- press Win+R, type 'appdata' and press Enter. Now browse to Local\Microsoft\Windows\WinX, where you'll find three sub-folders -- Group1, Group2 and Group3. Inside these are your various shortcuts.

You can add, move and delete shortcuts from these folders, plus add more groups. If all of this sounds like hard work, try WinAero's free Win+X Menu Editor instead.

Dump the File Explorer ribbon

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 6

I quite like the new ribbon-like user interface added to the File Explorer in Windows 8, but if you prefer how things were in Windows 7, you can disable the ribbon quickly and easily usingWinAero's Ribbon Disabler tool.

Just launch the tool after unzipping it (choose the x64 version if you're running Windows 8 64-bit), and click Disable Ribbon Explorer, logging off and back on again when prompted to effect the change.

Stop opening files in modern apps

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 7

Double-click a media file in the classic desktop and it'll open it in the corresponding modern user interface app. To revert to traditional desktop apps for your music, photos and videos, open the Control Panel and choose Programs, followed by Default Programs. Select Set Default Programs, pick your chosen app -- such as Windows Picture Viewer for photos, or Windows Media Player for music and video -- and click 'Set this program as default'.

Restore the Windows briefcase

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 8

Microsoft thinks everyone wants to use cloud services like SkyDrive to keep their files synced across multiple computers. If you're a fan of the old Windows briefcase, however, you'll be glad to learn it's possible to get it back in Windows 8 with a rather convoluted Registry tweak. Click here to download a pair of Registry files that simplify the process of switching the briefcase feature on and off again.

Access POP email in Mail

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 9

The Mail app doesn't like POP email accounts, but you can gain access to them. The secret is to configure your web mail account to access your POP mail, which in turn can be read in Mail. Why not use your Hotmail account -- log on at and head over to Settings > 'More mail settings' to add accounts by choosing 'Sending/receiving email from other accounts'.

Restore gadgets

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 10

If you're unhappy that the traditional desktop no longer supports desktop gadgets in Windows 8 (Microsoft would prefer it if you used Modern apps instead), you'll be pleased to learn you can restore the functionality with the help of a free tool called 8GadgetPack.

Just download and install the tool -- when the SmartScreen Filter appears, click Details followed by Run Anyway to ignore it. Once installed -- it's quite a slow process -- your new sidebar will appear, which works in exactly the same way as it does in previous versions of Windows. If you'd rather your gadgets were individually floating on your desktop rather than pinned to the sidebar, just right-click the sidebar and choose Close Sidebar.

Pin any file or folder to the Start screen

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 12

The Windows 8 Start Screen lets you pin programs and apps with no problems, but if you want to go further and pin shortcuts to files, folders or certain special shortcuts like the Control Panel, you'll need help in the form of Start Screen Pinner. Download, extract and launch this portable app, then simply add whichever shortcuts you need, which will subsequently appear on the Start screen for easy access.

And another thing...

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 2

If you're the only user of your PC, then having to swipe the lock screen and then enter your password might seem like a waste of time each morning. Removing these annoyances is a two-part process. Dumping the lock screen requires a trip to the Registry Editor -- press Win+R, type 'regedit' and press Enter. Now browse to the following Registry key:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows

Look for a Personalization key -- if it's not present, right-click the Windows key in the left-hand pane and choose New > Key and call it Personalization. With Personalization selected, choose Edit > New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Change its name to NoLockScreen, double-click it and set its value to 1. Click OK, close Registry Editor and reboot to effect the change.

Logging in automatically from here is mercifully much simpler. Press Win+R again, but this time type 'netplwiz' and press Enter. Select your username, then untick 'Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer'. Click OK, enter your user password twice and click OK again. Job done.

And finally...

How to make Windows 8 look like Windows 7: 11

Windows 8 will no longer support the playback of DVD movies, but you won't have to shell out for the privilege of using a third-party tool if you install VLC Media Player. Just install the app with the default settings -- again, ignore the SmartScreen Filter warning -- and you'll find your DVDs now play perfectly in VLC.




PC TIPS: be picky with software- March 2012

How many toolbars do you have on your web browser? Do you have toolbars from Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, and more? Just pick one – all the others do pretty much the same thing and just get in the way.

How did you end up with so many toolbars? Chances are you downloaded and installed something and didn’t read about the fact that the free software was going to install a toolbar as well. In the military, we had an initialization known as RTFQ – the G-rated version is Read The Full Question.


How much software do you need on your computer? Allow me to ask this another way. Do you put every scrap of paper that goes through your hands into your filing cabinet? If you did, how soon would it take for the filing cabinet to burst, leaving you to curl up in the fetal position wondering where your birth certificate went.

Same thing happens with your computer when you add every little piece of software you see to your computer. Be picky. If you aren’t going to use that software at least once a week – you probably don’t need it on your computer. If you haven’t used a piece of software in a few months, think about uninstalling it.




PC TIPS: Using your keyboard- Feb 2012

To get more out of your computing, you don’t really need newer equipment or fancier software packages. To do your computer work faster, there’s not always a lot of sense in going out and buying more RAM or a new CPU. All you have to do is become a better user. After all, a good plumber doesn’t blame his tools.

Being a better computer user doesn’t require you to sign up for a course at college or to read those huge books that geeks have on their desks. Truth is, we don’t read them either. We just refer to them every now and again when you stump us with a question.

Being a better computer user just takes a willingness to learn and to try. Here are a few computer tips for the beginner that should help you immediately.

keyboard shortcutLearn to Use Your Keyboard

Since PCs with a mouse attached were introduced, almost every user has become dependent on it. It seems like a good idea, but don’t you hate it when it dies, or gets clogged, or the right-click gets worn out? I know I do.

Learning how to type and use your keyboard shortcuts will help you to avoid the mouse. Remember, the keyboard was invented before the mouse, so everything you can do with your mouse, you can do with the keyboard.

There are plenty of freeware programs available for learning how to type, we mentioned several of them in our recently published productivity guide. It just takes patience and practice to master typing. When I started, I was a hunt-and-peck typer and now I can type almost anything without looking at the keyboard – which drives my wife nuts as I type and “listen” to her. She really hates it when I transcribe what she just told me. I don’t recommend doing that, guys.

Keyboard shortcuts are awesome. Possibly the biggest time saver is the Tab key. It might say Tab on it or it might have two arrows – one pointing right and one pointing left. What the Tab key allows you to do is to move your cursor from field to field. This is especially time-saving when going through a form. Try it, just hit the Tab key a few times to see where the focus ends up. You’ll see a dashed line around whatever you tabbed to, or a blinking cursor if it’s in a text field. If you go one field too far, hold down your Shift key and then hit the Tab key once to go back one element. I use these shortcuts all the time when the batteries in my mouse are dead.

Next month:Be Picky With Software




PC TIPS: Computer Christmas + websites to visit Dec 2011

pc christmas'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the shop,
The computers were whirring; they never do stop.
The power was on and the temperature right,
In hopes that the input would feed back that night.
The system was ready, the program was coded,
And memory drums had been carefully loaded;
While adding a Christmasy glow to the scene,
The lights on the console, flashed red, white and green.
When out in the hall there arose such a clatter,
The programmer ran to see what was the matter.
Away to the hallway he flew like a flash,
Forgetting his key in his curious dash.
He stood in the hallway and looked all about,
When the door slammed behind him, and he was locked out.
Then, in the computer room what should appear,
But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer;
And a little old man, who with scarcely a pause,
Chuckled: "My name is Santa...the last name is Claus."
The computer was startled, confused by the name,
Then it buzzed as it heard the old fellow exclaim:
"This is Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen,
And Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen."
With all these odd names, it was puzzled anew;
It hummed and it clanked, and a main circuit blew.
It searched in its memory core, trying to "think";
Then the multi-line printer went out on the blink.
Unable to do its electronic job,
It said in a voice that was almost a sob:
"Your eyes - how they twinkle - your dimples so merry,
Your cheeks so like roses, your nose like a cherry,
Your smile - all these things, I've been programmed to know,
And at data-recall, I am more than so-so;
But your name and your address (computers can't lie),
Are things that I just cannot identify.
You've a jolly old face and a little round belly,
That shakes when you laugh like a bowl full of jelly;
My scanners can see you, but still I insist,
Since you're not in my program, you cannot exist!"
Old Santa just chuckled a merry "ho, ho",
And sat down to type out a quick word or so.
The keyboard clack-clattered, its sound sharp and clean,
As Santa fed this "data" to the machine:
"Kids everywhere know me; I come every year;
The presents I bring add to everyone's cheer;
But you won't get anything - that's plain to see;
Too bad your programmers forgot about me."
Then he faced the machine and said with a shrug,
"Merry Christmas to All'",
as he pulled out its plug!

pc rules christmas

Christmas is just around the corner and here are a few suggestions to help save time and have a little fun with the internet this December.

If you're having trouble choosing a suitable gift for friends or family then there is a perfect website to help - You start by choosing how much you want to spend, then enter the age and gender of the recipient and finally choose from a list of hobbies or interests in order to get a list of present suggestions.

The traditional written letter to Santa is passé. In this technological age you can email Father Christmas. Go to and fill in some details. You get an immediate personal reply, you don't need an email address and you can print your letter out to show your friends.

On Christmas Eve let your children visit Here you can track Santa and his sleigh by radar as he makes his deliveries across the world. If you download GoogleEarth you can watch his progress in 3D (

As a bit of fun visit This quirky website allows you to view photos of houses that have been lit up with outrageous numbers of Christmas lights - you know the sort I mean!

Finally, add a bit of animation to your Christmas emails with these free animated images:



PC TIPS: Windows 7 tricks you must know! November 2011

child cruelty




Did you ever feel that you should be able to lock any program in the Windows Task Bar of your choice or align windows as per your choice or minimize all the windows in background with just a click. I will show you how to do all this in very easy steps. Windows 7 is that OS which MS should have delivered instead of Vista, it is much more stable than Vista and has a lot of features which help users to reduce the click-o-meter considerably.


Let me show how the above mentioned things are done in Windows 7:


windows 7 trick1.How to lock any Program in Windows Task Bar? For this just open the app of your choice and right click on the icon of the app in the Task Bar. You will see option to Pin it to Task Bar and it will be locked in your Task Bar until you unpin it.



2.How to align a running application window to left, right? This is a really cool feature all you need to do is open the app and press Windows + ← key or Windows + → of left and right alignment. This way you can put two windows side by side.

windows 7 tricks


3.How to minimize all the windows of background application? This is another feature of Windows 7 just open the application of your choice click @ the top most header of the application and shake the mouse left and right like you shake a bottle, you will notice all the background running applications are minimized instantly.











How to change Windows 7 Visual Appearance?

Do you have a very large monitor or a little one. If you have Windows 7 you can easily change the appearance of windows folders and layouts to match your monitor size and eyes.

You can easily magnify your screen appearance from 125 % to 150 %. This not only increases the size of the folders but also makes them large enough for people suffering from visual disabilities.

windows 7 appearanceJust follow below simple steps:
1. Go to desktop and right-click and press personalise..
2. Now click on Display
3. Now choose from the three options
Smaller 100 % (Default)
Medium 125 %
Larger 150 %
4. Press Apply..

Now just Log Off and Login and there you have your brand new look for your Windows 7.
This trick is very helpful for people who have very large monitors like 20" or 22" flat screen LCDs or even large CRTs..The icons start appearing lot bigger and better and more comfortable for operations.

Google toolbar not compatible with Firefox 5?

...I`ve just been asked to upgrade to Firefox 5 but I understand that Google Toolbar is not compatible with it so I won`t upgrade unless I can have Google Toolbar. So what`s being done to make it compatible?...
The Google Toolbar 7.1.20110512W version works in Firefox 5.0 by using the Compatibility Reporter extension see the links below:





I live in the middle of nowhere; can I have an internet connection? Advertorial - SEPTEMBER 2011

TOOWAYThe answer is YES!

Until recently having internet in the middle of nowhere was possible but only with expensive satellite equipment. Now, thanks to a grant from the Generalitat, it is free. Yes, you read correctly, free.

Is it really available, don't I need to be a resident/Spanish/Catalan?
YES it is really available; I've (in the last 3 weeks) installed 27 systems. There is still equipment available. It is available to anyone who has a residence here, even if they live here or not. You do need to be in Catalunya as it is only available here at the moment.

Do I need to apply, wait to see if I'm lucky, and stand in a queue with every paper I have but still be missing some permission?
You need to call me! As long as you have an NIE, address (polygon/parcel) and Spanish bank account then you don't need anything else.

Do I need a telephone line?
NO. The service is bidirectional, which means it sends and receives directly from the satellite; you don't need any other connection.

What about a phone?
A telephone service will be launched in 2 to 3 months; it is currently in testing and does work.

Will it work on my inverter/does it use much power?
Yes, it will work with an inverter and/or generator. Power consumption is minimal, about the same as a laptop computer.

Can I have a WIFI connection?
Yes, but this is an optional extra that you need to pay for. The router costs 60 euros + IVA

Will it always be free, should I wait?
In theory the offer runs until October 2012 or until the money runs out. As with all grants, the money usually runs out before the time.

I have ADSL/Iberbanda/Eurona/3G, can I have satellite?
It depends. The free offer is for people who do not have what is classed as a 'decent quality' of service. The definition of 'decent quality' is a reliable service with a speed of 1Mb. If your service doesn't meet this speed then yes, if it does then no.

What does it cost per month? Is it unlimited use?
The basic service costs 31.50 euros + iva per month. It is limited to 4Gb of data at a (theoretical) speed of 6Mb download and 1Mb upload. Usage is controlled by a 'Fair Access Policy' that reduces your speed should you exceed your usage.

I want faster/more data, can I have it?
Yes, several packages are available however you will need to pay a fee to upgrade and the monthly charges are higher.

What system is it, I want to know more about it?
The system is Tooway 6. You can either call me for more information or search on the internet.

If you would like more information or to have a system installed please call me on 620 353 138. Nigel Morton





PC TIPS: What is Java Aug 2011

upgrading ramIt is always a good practice to know a little bit of history and background of any technology before starting to actually use it. In fact Java has nothing to do with the 'Island Java' in Indonesia. It all started at Sun Microsystems when they were developing an application for the 'set-top box'.

In the 1990's they tried to develop a portable application that can run on any micro chip. Therefore they tried to remove those features that are platform dependent. In doing so, they ended up developing a new programming language. They named this new programming language as OAK.

What is the need for OAK/Java?

To understand this let us take an example of a program that runs on a SONY TV remote control. This program can be written using a language (let us assume) called X. The remote control has an in-built chip on which this program will run. If we look at the functionality of a TV remote it is almost the same for any brand of TV. So by right the same program should be used on any brand of TV remote.

In reality it is not. Why? Because the in-built chip in different brands of TV Remotes maybe different. Therefore the same program has to run these two different chips, they have to be re-compiled in order to suit different chips in other words platforms.

How does OAK/Java solve this problem?

The Java designers came out with a wonderful concept of a 'Java Virtual Machine'. Now Java differs from rest of the languages in using this unique concept, which means unlike other languages a Java program when compiled produces a ByteCode rather than machine code. This ByteCode is machine independant (platform independant). The Java Virtual Machine resides on the machine and interprets this ByteCode into a form the machine can understand.

Now take the same example of a TV remote. If the program was developed using Java rather than X, then the same program can be used in all different brand of TV Remotes. This is a very simple but effective method of making a program portable. This is how Java solves this problem.

In 1995, the WWW (World Wide Web) became popular which had similar problems as the 'set-top box'. Around the globe, there were many different platforms, under different operating systems and therefore there was a need for a portable, platform independent programming language which can be used to write programs that can run on all these different platforms without the necessity of re-compilation.

Sun Microsystems, renamed OAK 'JAVA' with some changes and launched it in the same year. Developers around the globe immediately recognised Java's potential and the WWW got its new look and Java took the world by storm.





chief dan George

infographicOk this month I would like to mention an experiment carried out by Google, please note that I had had a few beers When I Discovered this!

Google translate has taken on a whole new dimension this month thanks to the new service by Google developed for animals! (Americans seem to have far too much time on their hands! Perhaps we should all live there instead???)

Have a look at the video.

dolittleApparently the next time your dog barks you can bark back in their own language? Or swear at your chicken etc… (Red wine or Copious amounts of BurgeMeester required!) (Visit Bon Prou or Esclat for this!)

Ok so you need a Google android device to do this available from between €100 - €200 or a clever mobile phone from the UK with Google Android!

Another point of Interest Is the BBC are planning to launch BBC IPlayer across Europe within the next couple of months Keep an eye on the BBC´s Website for updates.

And Finally to follow up, The EU are now offering Grants to cover the cost of the equipment for satellite broadband (for those who have no other choice), I will make more information available on my website as soon as its available.



donkeyFor help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:
Tel 977 270 898 ext 388 Skype Ebropc





BROADBAND BY BIKEThis month I would like to mention the launch of a new satellite for Broadband, The new system is far cheaper and faster than any satellite broadband system before it… It's ideal for those of you that live in a very rural location and no other service is available, currently its available from several suppliers (One of them from Eurona Nigel Morton).

Basically a new satellite was launched last December and goes live on June 1st this year, the new system uses the latest technology and enables you to have a UK IP Address which makes it appear that you are still in the United Kingdom, Which enables you to access things such as BBC Iplayer 4OD etc, Also in terms of cost from June, the prices are much cheaper and you will get a much faster service than before via satellite.
Up to 60 times faster than dial-up
No software installation – once your dish is installed, activate your service in a simple 1-step process
Compatible with standard home networking equipment
No telephone line required
Fast delivery – typically 1-2 days for UK orders, 3-5 days for Mainland Europe
I will post more information on the new services available as soon as I have it at
Additionally if you so choose with the latest system it is possible to install it yourself!



ka saTAlso here's a bit of guff about the new satellite itself…
KA-SAT is a telecommunications satellite owned by Eutelsat. The satellite will provide broadband Internet access services across Europe and also a small area of the Middle East. The system is located at 9°E, joining Eurobird 9A Ku band satellite. KA-SAT was manufactured by EADS Astrium, based on the Eurostar E3000 platform, with a total weight of 6 tons. It was launched by Proton in December 2010. The satellite is named after the Ka band frequency, which is used on the spacecraft.
According to Eutelsat, KA-SAT will be able to provide broadband Internet access to potentially more than one millions homes. The company has invested about 350 million euros in the program, including the satellite manufacturing and launch.
The Eutelsat-operated spacecraft will concentrate its services on the estimated tens of millions of European homes in so-called "not-spots". These are places where consumers cannot get a decent terrestrial connection.

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:
Tel 977 270 898 ext 388 Skype Ebropc





How to find your PC Rating on Windows 7?
Hardware has a typical life span of 3 - 4 years after which the newer Programs either don't support or they run very slow. This tip is extremely useful to find out overall hardware health of your Windows 7 Desktop. I have explained in details what each score signifies and when you can think of upgrading your PC hardware to increase performance.
windows pc ratingFind out your PC ratings by following these simple steps on Windows 7:
1. Go to Control Panel
2. Click on System
3. Click on Windows Experience Index.
4. Click on ReRun the Assessment to get your latest PC index.
PC hardware is evaluated on various aspects such as CPU processing power, Graphics, Games Graphics Hard disk performance etc. The lowest base score is the one considered for rating.
Windows 7 help says:
"The base score can help you buy programs that match your computer's performance level. The base score only pertains to the performance aspects of the computer that affect how well features in Windows and other programs will run on your computer, and doesn't reflect the overall quality of your computer"
windows Pc ratingsA score from
* 1 to 3 may be considered poor.
* 3.1 to 5.49 considered fare.
* 5.5 to 7.0 good.
* 7.1 to 10 exceptional meaning you don't need a hardware change for the next 2 - 3 years.
Now my personal experience: I had played with two different mother boards in the last few months and the corresponding ratings were 5.2 and 5.5. With 5.5 multitasking becomes really smooth which means that at least a rating of 5.5 is required if you make your processor work overtime with multiple applications running on Windows 7.
Tip: Having a Graphic card certainly help your PC rating but it may not be required by all. And Graphics is one of the areas of evaluation you might end up having a low base score, but that's perfectly okay if you do not intend to use high graphical applications such as Games and stuff.
In the end if your PC rating is low but you are still not facing any issues don't give these rating much importance they are important only when you are going to purchase some software which has minimum system requirements. These ratings help you in those regards.

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:
Tel 977 270 898 ext 388 Skype Ebropc



pc tips - snopes - april 2011

The man that sent this information is a computer tech. He spends a lot of time clearing the junk off computers for people and listens to complaints about speed. All forwards are not bad, just some. Be sure you read the very last paragraph.
Please read:
By now, I suspect everyone is familiar with and/or for determining whether information received via email is just that: true /false or fact /fiction. Both are excellent sites.
Advice from Very important!
1) Any time you see an E-Mail that says forward this on to '10' (or however many) of your friends, sign this petition, or you'll get bad luck, good luck, you'll see something funny on your screen after you send it, or whatever, it almost always has an E-Mail tracker program attached that tracks the cookies and E-Mails of those folks you forward to.
The host sender is getting a copy each time it gets forwarded and then is able to get lists of 'active ' E-Mail addresses to use in SPAM E-Mails, or sell to other spammers. Even when you get emails that demand you send the email on if you're not ashamed of God / Jesus .....that's E-mail tracking and they are playing on our conscience. These people don't care how they get your email addresses - just as long as they get them. Also, emails that talk about a missing child or a child with an incurable disease "how would you feel if that was your child"....E-mail Tracking!!! Ignore them and don't participate!
2) Almost all E-Mails that ask you to add your name and forward on to others are similar to that mass letter years ago that asked people to send business cards to the little kid in Florida who wanted to break the Guinness Book of Records for the most cards. All it was, and all any of this type of E-Mail is a way to get names and cookie ' tracking information for telemarketers and spammers - - to validate active E-Mail accounts for their own profitable purposes.
You can do your Friends and Family members a GREAT favour by sending this information to them; you will be providing a service to your Friends, and will be rewarded by not getting thousands of spam E-Mails in the future!
Do yourself a favour and STOP adding your name(s) to those types of listings regardless how inviting they might sound!...or make you feel guilty if you don't!'s all about getting email addresses - nothing more!
You may think you are supporting a GREAT cause, but you are NOT! Instead, you will be getting tons of junk mail later and very possibly a virus attached! Plus, we are helping the spammers get rich! Let's not make it easy for them!
Also: E-Mail petitions are NOT acceptable to Congress or any other organization - i.e.. social security, etc. To be acceptable, petitions must have a signed signature and full address of the person signing the petition, so this is a waste of time and you're just helping the Email trackers.





SKYPEFor those of you who like to stay in touch with Family and friends in the UK, or live in the middle of the campo with broadband but no telephone signal!
You may be interested to know of a free service that gives you an incoming telephone number that will allow people in the UK or elsewhere to call you for a local call rate.
Once you sign up, you will get a phone number and a private extension. All calls to your extension ring at your Skype....
To sign up for this, firstly you will need a skype account and the skype software.. free from
Once you have your account then simply sign up for your incoming telephone number at Free video calling at
CHOOSE Your local phone number in Spain, London, and 100 other destinations, forwarded to your Skype, wherever in the world you are, for FREE.
RING 2 SKYPEWhy just talk when you can see each other face-to-face? Video call your family in Australia, your friends in Spain or your colleagues in Japan, for free. It's the next best thing to being there.
In order to use skype, unless your pc has a built in Microphone, or webcam then you will need to get a mic or headset or an usb voip phone to plug in. Also your pc will need to be switched on and online to receive calls, but there is also a voicemail system on skype to pickup later, and if you wish to buy skype credit for outgoing calls and texts then the cost of texts and phone calls are far cheaper than any mobile.
Other features:
1. Call phones and mobiles: Call people all over the world on their phone or mobile from just 0.9c per minute (1c incl. VAT)* using Skype.
2. Free Skype calls: Talk to anyone else on Skype, anywhere in the world, for free with a Skype-to-Skype call. Catch up with your backpacking brother in Asia, check in with your boss away in the US – call any Skype contact for free
3. Group video calling: Catch up face-to-face with more people at the same time on a group video call with Skype. Whether you're kicking off a project or showing off the latest addition to the family, it's the next best thing to being there.
4. Conference calls: Talk to more than one person at once. It's free if you're all on Skype.
5. Voicemail: Let Skype take a message when you're not free to talk.
6. Call forwarding: Forward your Skype calls to any phone you choose when you're not online.
7. Call transfer: Transfer a Skype call to anyone else on Skype, or to a phone number.
8. Caller ID: Shows it's you when you call a phone number from Skype.
9. Instant messaging: The quick way to chat without having to make a call.
10. Send files: Send documents, video clips or photos – any size for free.
11. SMS: Send great rate text messages to friends' mobiles with SMS on Skype.
12. Skype Access: Get online with public WiFi using Skype Credit so you only pay for what you use.

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:
Tel 977 270 898 ext 388
Skype Ebropc




This month here are a few tips to help speed up your system..
Faster Window Switching
Disabling the Minimise-Maximise animation can make your PC run a lot faster. Disabling is easy:
Go to Start and type in 'SystemPropertiesPerformance'
Go the Visual Effects tab
Uncheck 'Animate windows when minimizing and maximising' and click OK
Speedup Windows 7 Boot Times
Windows 7 only uses one core to boot out of the box. By increasing the number of cores used you can decrease the boot time:

Click on Start and then 'Run'
Search for Run and type 'msconfig'
Click on the tab 'Boot' and click on 'Advanced options…'
Check 'Number of processors' and enter how many your PC has (usually 2,4 or 8)
Click 'OK' and 'Apply'

Remove Unwanted Fonts
Fonts, especially TrueType fonts, use quite a bit of system resources. For optimal performance, trim your fonts down to just those that you need to use on a daily basis and fonts that applications may require.
Open Control Panel
Open Fonts folder
Move fonts you don't need to a temporary directory (e.g. C:FONTBKUP?) just in case you need or want to bring a few of them back. The more fonts you uninstall, the more system resources you will gain.
Speed Up Windows 7 Shutdown Time
Windows 7 shutdowns a lot faster than Vista or XP, but it can be improved further by making this registry change which reduced the time Windows waits to kill processes:
Click on Start and type in regedit and hit Enter
Navigate to
Right-click on WaitToKillServiceTimeOut and change and lower the value
The default is 12000 (12 seconds) but you can lower this to any number
Click ok and restart PC
Speeding up your internet connection on Windows XP
If you use Windows XP Professional then it is possible to squeeze an extra 20% out of your internet connection. By default Windows XP Pro holds back 20% of your Internet speed for various services like windows update and spyware checks.
If you want to tap into this locked speed then make the following changes:

Go to Start-> Run-> and type gpedit.msc
Expand the Administrative Templates branch
Expand the Network tab
Highlight QoS Packet Scheduler
Click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth and check the enabled box
Then Change the Bandwidth limit % to 0 %
Once you have done this click apply and restart your PC. After rebooting you should see a noticeable improvement in your net speed.

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:






Sites to make New Year's resolutions stick
Resolutions may be made to be broken, but these Web sites help you grasp your goals, and then nag if you fall short. If you're dead set on changing your life in 2011, many Web sites can assist with tallying and tracking resolutions. Some will continue to ping you with reminders, or even enlist others to pester you over the next 12 months. Facebook users can pick from various third-party widgets for setting and sharing goals, but other sites offer more customisation.
Sweet and simple, Joe's Goals help you log progress on to-do items within a simple calendar. Just add a tick to stuff that's done. You can show off your score card to others with badges for MySpace or your blog.

LifeTango's brainstorm wizard steps you through the goal-setting process, nicely leaving each item private by default. You can also send items on your list to friends, family, or the general public. The site functions well, but its orange and blue tones could use a makeover, and there's not much to do off the site.
43Things makes it quick to get started by typing in a goal and seeing, for instance, that 3,885 other people have pledged to "exercise more." You can post 43Things items to or from a blog. The site has removed its groups, which had become a target for
To pass the buck and the blame, 43Things' should do this. This tool lets you make suggestions about what the rest of the world, anyone or anything from Al Gore to poor people to Fox News, should do.
REMEMBER THE MILKRemember the Milk beta makes your to-do items and reminders available in Gmail, via SMS, the iPhone, Windows Mobile devices, Skype, and popular IM clients. Integration with Google Calendar and contacts would let you connect to, say, a co-worker for an instant chat at an appointed time. "Remember the Milk" also can pinpoint tasks on a map and export your lists as Atom and iCal-ready feeds. "Remember the Milk" is the most portable goal-setting service of the bunch; you can take it with you instead of repeatedly returning to its Web site. Still, it would be nice to see such services import to-do items from software such as Microsoft Outlook.
For even less complication, Hassle Me simply sends you a nagging e-mail or IM nudge for any goal and time interval you pick.

*I will try to figure out why I "really" need 12 e-mail addresses.
*I will stop sending e-mail to my wife (husband). A phone call every now and then would be appreciated.
*I resolve to work with neglected children -- my own.
*I will answer my snail mail with the same enthusiasm with which I answer my e-mail.
*I will stop sending e-mail, ICQ, Instant Messages and be on the phone at the same time with the same person.
*I resolve to back up my 120GB hard drive daily...well, once a week...okay, monthly then...or maybe... at least once a year.
*I will spend less than one hour a day on the Internet - This, of course, will be hard to estimate since I'm not a clock watcher.
*I will stop checking my e-mail at 3:00 in the morning... 4:30 is much more practical since my friends overseas will have had time to answer me by then.
*When I hear a funny joke, I will not reply, "LOL... LOL!"
*I will read the manual... just as soon as I can find it.
*I will think of a password other than "password."
*I resolve... I resolve to... I resolve to, uh... I resolve to, uh, get my, er... I resolve to, uh, get my, er, off-line work done, too!






CHRISTMAS TIMEInternet security Programs…
The latest thing in protecting your pc is a process called sandboxing, which basically enables code to run in a protected area of your machine, without risking any damage to windows when you inadvertently land up on a dodgy website after too much sangria…
A very good complete internet security program can be downloaded from…
Antivirus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Rootkit & Bot protection
Defends your PC from Internet attacks
Detects and eliminates viruses
Prevents malware from being installed
Auto Sandbox Technology™
Easy to install, configure and use
Free to both business and home users
Free music…
A popular music application in the UK is now available to download here; Spotify can now be downloaded here in Spain, with 20 hours of listening per month available on a free account. You can download and sign up from
Another popular website for free music is where you can download and store mp3s for free.
"A quick note on broadband…
For those of you who live in the campo, and cannot get any form of broadband and cannot afford satellite, another option that is starting to happen in rural areas of the uk is broadband sharing, although Internet service providers may not like this solution, all that you need is a neighbour within 3 or 4 km willing to share their broadband connection. And with some long range wifi equipment, which can be purchased from ebay, at a reasonable cost (About 150 pounds) With a range of up to 5km…"
Alternatively Give Nigel Morton a ring to see if Eurona is available in your area…

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:




PC TIPS: The Joys of Alcohol and Laptops NOV 2010

LAPTOP SPILLEverybody knows that liquids and Laptops do not mix, but if you happen to spill beer on your beloved laptop, there are steps to try getting it working again before shelling out cash for a new one.
Turn Laptop Off
1. If you have spilled beer (or any liquid) into your laptop, the first thing you want to do, immediately after the incident, is turn off the power to the laptop and unplug the charger cable if it is plugged in. And remove the battery immediately this is an important step as you do not want power running through the device while it is wet inside.

Once the laptop is fully powered down, it is also a good idea to get out as much of the spilled beer as you can. If the beer was spilled down the keyboard, try holding the laptop upside-down and gently shaking it to get out any excess moisture. If the beer was spilled around the Computer turning it upside-down may not be necessary, but it should still be lifted, gently shaken, and placed in a dry location (preferably away from any liquids).

Allow Time to Dry
2. Once you have allowed all of the excess liquid and moisture to drain out of the laptop computer, you will want to give it time to completely dry out before trying to use it again. If any components on the inside are still wet and an electrical charge passes through, it could cause a short and fry the entire laptop, rendering it useless (especially with sugary and/or carbonated liquids, such as beer/Red Wine or Sangria).
Usually you will want to allow 24 to 48 hours for the laptop to dry, leaving it in a warm dry location (Somewhere like Spain for instance).

3. After allowing it to dry significantly, the laptop might come alive again! If it does, then continue to check and verify that everything works as it did before the spill. If the beer was spilled into the keyboard, then check that each and every key works as it should (some may stick, becoming hard to press). Also, check to make sure the laptop does not overheat once it is run again.

MAC BEERIf, after allowing it to try for at least 1 to 2 days, the laptop does not seem to work correctly or does not power on at all, contact a PC Repair Man to determine what is causing the problem, as some issues may be repairable. Sometimes the problems can be as simple as replacing the keyboard or battery, which can be done at a relatively inexpensive price. If you find out that the problem is more severe, however, such as a burnt-out motherboard, then you may just want to consider a new laptop.

However that said, unless the thing is totally fried in Most cases your Data can be recovered. However it’s best to keep a regular backup of all of your important Data...

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:





fax catAfter being asked many times about internet access in rural areas this month I thought it best to list details of all of the broadband providers available and their pitfalls etc…
If you live south of Mora La Nova I would highly recommend a service Called Eurona, they can provide telephone and broadband up to 3mb prices starting from 19.50 per month plus installation of around 60 euros. To enquire about this service you can either visit or call them on 900 850 858

If you live anywhere apart from Riba Roja d`Ebre you should be able to get a service from Iberbanda, which also includes a telephone and broadband speeds from 1mb to 3mb, they charge 29.99 per month for a 1mb link and a telephone (brand new customers only!) plus installation often free with special offers .… more info available at

Ok so that’s most people covered unless you have chosen to live in a radio dead zone! (Which many people have, including me! Although we did get Iberbanda) If so then your only hope is to get internet either by satellite which is more expensive or via a broadband dongle, if a pay as you go, or contract dongle is the way that you have chosen to go. Please try different mobile phones in your house before buying one! Get friends around and see if they get a 3g signal in your house before buying one…. i.e. if your Vodafone phone doesn’t work at home do not buy a Vodafone dongle and make sure that a 3g signal at least is available.. the same with movistar, orange, BTInspain, yoigo etc….So if all else has failed and your only option is satellite, (sorry for those in Riba Roja d`Ebre unless you’re in town itself where telefonica are installing a new fiber optic network with speeds of up to 10mb or more in the future, then your only hope is a dongle with a good signal, ( I think movistar in Riba is one of the only one that works correctly) Or a Satellite link..

The pros and cons of a Satellite connection….
So if you have no choice but Satellite then you tend to have to pay per gb of usage with 1gb included per month, also the equipment for installation is more expensive than any of the other services mentioned, However that said with satellite you do tend to get a very robust and fast system, which will work anywhere! Including a telephone, although I would recommend a broadband internet telephone connection via Satellite and a voice over ip telephone via the internet such as Skype, Gizmo, or draytel…. For more info on a satellite link please visit
If you are lucky enough to have land line services then I would recommend that you give telefonica a try for those of you with a distinct lack of catalan or Spanglish visit or otherwise
The other option available Is BT in Spain for those of you feeling patriotic... info is available at they can also provide most of the services listed above, and you can speak to them in English, which is always useful when it stops working!
One other way of a basic slow dial up connection is with telefonica via a radio link. Which is better than nothing!

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:



PC TIPS: securing your laptop Sept 2010

laptop thiefThis month I thought I would write about securing your laptop data in case of theft… as a few of my customers in the campo have been burgled recently…

Simply follow the check list below to keep your data safe and secure…

• Keep a regular backup of your my documents area either online using Microsoft skydrive (available for free from Or buy yourself a USB Memory stick or external hard drive or CD/DVD, and keep a regular backup, also store your backup device well away from your laptop. Carrefour do a cheap range of USB Sticks starting from about 10 euros.
• Make sure that your windows account has a password set, (However these are quite easily cracked depending on the intellect of the thief!)
my lockbox• For secure documents such as scans of NIE`s Passports, Bank details etc download this application:- This is basically software that operates very much like a safe and encrypts all of the data that you place inside and is protected by the password that you set.
• Never store Passwords on your computer itself for things such as online banking etc.
• Also ensure that you change your email, skype, messenger passwords at least once a month, and if your unfortunate enough to have your machine stolen, go straight to the nearest cybercafé and reset your passwords on your way back from the police station!

thiefOne other point of interest, I have recently been working on an application that allows stolen computers to be traced to their current location, Takes photographs of the person currently using the machine, Depending on whether you have a webcam or not, and sends regular messages of what the computer has been doing by email, I have been testing this software at the moment and have successfully located a stolen machine and passed the information onto the Police, If this service would be of interest to you please send me an email at:-
And I will inform you as soon as I’ve finished making it! More information can be found on my website.

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:



PC TIPS: lap top protection in Spain. Aug 2010

computer cup holderThis month I thought that I would make you aware of some changes implemented by Microsoft for windows updates on windows XP. And a few tips to help with the tough Spanish environment on Laptops!

Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 2000 and Windows XP Service Pack 2 on Tuesday, July 13 - meaning that customers have to either upgrade to newer versions of the software or stop receiving security updates. (IE Download XP Service Pack 3 to carry on getting security updates for a while!)
To find out which service pack you are using right click on your my computer icon, select properties and under the general tab the service pack level is displayed.

system propertiesMicrosoft is warning customers that "Unsupported products or service packs pose a significant risk to your computer's security. Therefore, Microsoft advises customers to migrate to the latest supported service pack and/or product prior to the end of support.
Although Windows 2000 has been around far longer, both Windows 2000 and Windows XP Service Pack 2 will receive essentially the same treatment starting July 13 - no more "security updates or non-security hotfixes."

Also here`s a few tips to lengthen the life of your laptop in the heat!
Limit Your Connection
When you aren't actively using your notebook's Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, WWAN, or other wireless connections, turn the radios off (via the hard switch, if your PC has one, or using the appropriate utility), so they don't run down the battery while they keep searching for a signal. Also, use USB-attached devices sparingly while you're mobile.
Dim the display
A laptop's biggest battery-life-sucking component is its LCD display. To eke out more juice when you're off the plug, turn down your panel's brightness to the lowest level your eyes can stand. Most notebooks have a Function key combination or even a dedicated hot key—for a quick crank-down. (You can also adjust brightness in Display Settings under Control Panel.) Also Don't leave your laptop on charge all of the time as this will kill the battery in the end, its best to let the battery discharge to keep it in good condition.
Keep It Cool
Thanks to their small, cramped cases and tiny vents, laptops are prone to overheating. Unfortunately, using your notebook on your lap—or on top of a blanket that protects your lap from your scalding-hot notebook—can seriously stifle ventilation and make matters worse. To help keep temperatures in check, opt for a lap desk or a laptop cooling pad that won't conduct heat or block your laptop's vents. Also try and blow the fans out every now and then.. As the Joys of the Spanish Dust & Heat can break them much faster!
Back Up Everything
Constant movement puts computer components at risk, and because of their portability, laptops suffer a lot more wear and tear than desktops. All of that on-the-go use increases the risk of hard drive failure, so make sure you back up the data on your laptop to an external hard drive, thumb drive, or home server on a regular basis. Portable hard drives make it easy to back up your data.
Cover Your Keyboard
Keep Vinto Tinto and beer away from laptops at all times. That rule often gets broken, Especially in my house!, and accidents happen. Should that accident end up on your laptop's keyboard, however, you could end up with more than just a mess: Liquids that seep through your notebook's keys can fry its components. Protect your notebook from spills with a keyboard cover. Also if you do spill anything in it, unplug it and remove the battery straight away, and it may be salvageable once you have given it sufficient time to dry.

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:



PC TIPS: speed up windows vista Contd. July 2010

i has a mouseThis month here are some more tips on how to speed up Windows Vista, Please use with caution!
Windows runs pretty well on its own, but there are many things you can do to increase performance.
I would recommend you make backups before making major changes to your system.

Move Search Index to a Different Physical Drive and speed up Windows Vista
If you have more than one physical drive in your computer, this guide is for you. The search index can take a considerable toll on your system drive; by moving the index to a separate drive, you can increase overall performance.
To move your search index, do the following:
1. Press Start, type index in the search bar and press Enter
2. Press the Advanced button
3. Press Select new at the bottom and select a new location on a different physical hard drive
4. Press OK. Your search index will now need to rebuild, which may temporarily slow performance.

Disable Superfetch to Save Memory and speed up Windows Vista
Windows Vista Superfetch learns your typical activities with files and application access. By learning, it predicts your computer use actions and puts your most commonly used applications in memory. This is great if you have a lot of RAM, but if you have less than 2GB, then I suggest you disable this feature - saving you from sluggish computer use.
Please Note: Even with less than 2GB of ram, you may find this doesn't help. If you notice no difference after a day or two, then you can probably re-enable Superfetch.
To disable Superfetch, do the following:
1. Press Start, type services in the search bar and press Enter
2. Locate Superfetch in the list of services, right click it, and select properties
3. Change the Startup Type dropdown box to disabled and click the stop button
4. Now click OK
Please remember, this will only help if you have less than 2GB of RAM.

Disable "Last Accessed" File Attribute to speed up Windows Vista
Every time you access a file on your computer, a Last Accessed file attribute is updated. You will likely not need this, so you can remove some overhead by following this guide.

Manually Disable Last Access File Updates and speed up Windows Vista
1. Press Start, type regedit in the search bar and press Enter (or press Winkey+R)
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem
3. Update the value of NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate to 1
4. To undo this change, simply change the value back to 0
In order for this to take effect, you may need to restart your system.

Make Windows Shut Down Faster to speed up Windows Vista
As you install programs on your computer, it slows down - we all know that. However, what you may not
know is that the programs install what we call services. Windows is "kind" enough to patiently wait for these services to stop when you shut down your computer. It really doesn't pay off to wait. Decrease the time it takes for Windows to shut down by doing the following:
1. Click the start button and type regedit in the search bar
2. Hit the enter key
3. You will see a screen like the one below. Find your way to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control in the left menu
4. In the right window you will see a key called WaitToKillServiceTimeout, with a default value of 20000 (20 seconds.)
5. Right click on the key and select Modify...
6. Change the value from 20000 to 5000. This can potentially reduce your shut down time by 15 seconds.
Please note: I do not advise setting this value to less than five seconds.
Please be careful in the registry as you can kill your system if you incorrectly change anything!

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:




PC TIPS: speed up windows vista June 2010

puppy weeing on laptopThis month here are some tips on how to speed up Windows Vista, Please use with caution!
How to speed up Windows Vista?
Windows runs pretty well on its own, but there are many things you can do to increase performance.
I would recommend you make backups before making major changes to your system.
Enhance SATA Disk Performance and speed up Windows Vista
This guide will help you improve the performance of your SATA hard drive by enhancing write caching.
If you are not sure whether or not you have an SATA drive in your computer, please check with your manufacturer.
A quick warning: If you turn this setting on and your computer is not connected to a battery backup, losing power increases you risk of data loss or corruption. If you are using a laptop, the chances of this are unlikely as you have a battery in the laptop that will act as a power source if there is electrical shortage.
1. Click on the Start Button and type in Device Manager in the search box
2. Hit Enter
3. Click on the + Next to Disk Drives
4. Right click on your hard drive and select Properties
5. Select the Policies tab and check Enable advanced performance
6. Now click OK and close Device Manager
Speed up Your External Hard Drives to speed up Windows Vista
The default setting in Windows Vista disables write caching for external drives. This is done so that you can eject the drive at any time without data loss. If you are willing to eject your drive each time, you can increase the performance of your external hard drives.
To turn write caching back on and activate advanced performance, do the following:
1. Click on the Start Button and type in Device Manager in the search box and hit enter
2. Click on the + Next to Disk Drives
3. Right click on your external hard drive and select Properties
4. Select the Policies tab and select Optimize for performance
5. Check Enable write caching on the disk and Enable advanced performance
6. Click OK and reboot your computer

Move Page File to Different Physical Drive and speed up Windows Vista
If you have more than one physical drive in your computer, this guide is for you. The page file can take a considerable toll on your system drive; by moving the page file to a separate drive, you can increase overall performance. Learn how to move the Windows Vista page file to another drive in this guide.
1. Press Start, right click on Computer, and select Properties
2. In the left-hand pane, select Advanced System Settings
3. Click the Advanced tab and under Performance, select Settings...
4. Click the Advanced tab and under Virtual Memory, select Change...
5. Uncheck "Automatically Manage Paging File Size for All Drives"
6. Select the different physical drive that you want your paging file to now be stored on (e.g. D) and select System managed size and press Set. (make sure this is the first partition on the second drive)
7. Select the drive that contains your paging file (usually C), select the Custom Size option, set the original and maximum size, and press Set Your page file will now need to rebuild on the new drive - this may temporarily slow performance.
Note: The reason for keeping around 1GB on the OS drive is because Windows Vista still needs some pagefile space there.
Rebuild the Page File to speed up Windows Vista
Windows Vista creates a pagefile, which essentially acts as RAM on your hard drive. This page file speeds up access to commonly used programs and becomes fragmented over time. Rebuilding the pagefile eliminates fragmentation; learn how to rebuild the pagefile in this guide.
1. Press Start, right click on Computer and select Properties
2. In the left-hand pane, select Advanced System Settings
3. Click the Advanced tab and under Performance, select Settings...
4. Click the Advanced tab and under Virtual Memory, select Change...
5. Uncheck Automatically Manage Paging File Size for All Drives
6. Select the drive that contains your paging file (usually C) and select the Custom size option
7. Edit the minimum and maximum page file size to 0 and press set
8. Now restart your computer
9. Now follow steps 1-5 and replace step 6 with System managed size and press Set
10. Press OK to save and after a brief period of sluggishness, while the computer rebuilds the page file, you should notice improved speeds.




computer problemsPC TIPS: Windows 7 secrets May 2010

PC TIPS, Please use these tips with caution!! Here you will find some of the hidden features in Windows 7 that Microsoft programmers made when they were bored!/ (Some of them also work with Vista...)

Playing God With Windows 7
Buried deep inside Windows 7 is a very handy little feature that brings together a host of settings for the way the operating system looks and works. The so-called ‘God Mode’, which first appeared in Vista (32-bit only). It isn’t enabled by default, but if you want to take charge of your Win 7 (or Vista) PC all you have to do is right-click on desktop, click New > Folder and rename it thus:
Now all you have to do is double-click on the new folder and assembled before your very eyes will be a long list of options that previously you had to dig around to find, in Control Panel and well-hidden configuration menus. Be warned, though, playing God is not to be taken lightly so if you are going to have a fiddle, change only one thing at a time then reboot and make sure it doesn’t mess anything up!windows 7 god modegod mode

system restore

Hidden Talents in Windows 7 System Restore
Windows System Restore has got me and I suspect a lot of you out of trouble following a major crash or messed up installation but in Windows 7 it goes even further. A little known feature in Win 7 System Restore (and Windows Backup), called Previous Versions, can recover just about any file stored on your PC. However, in order for it to work System Restore, and this facility must be enabled, so if you are not sure press Windows key*one with the flag + Break/Pause, select System Protection then click the Configure button and make sure Restore system settings and previous versions of files is checked. Click OK and if System Restore wasn’t on click the Create button to set a new Restore Point (RP). Follow the prompts to give it a name, close the dialogue boxes and you are all set. If something unfortunate happens and you need to recover a lost or corrupted file all you have to do is open Windows Explorer, right click on the folder where it is/was kept and select Restore Previous Versions. After a few moments it should list by date all of the saved versions of the file you are after.

windows 7 problemsWindows 7 Shares Your Problems
The next time an application in Windows 7 starts playing up there’s an easy way to find out when and how things started to go wrong. It’s called the Problem Steps Recorder or PSR and basically what it does is log everything that happens when you are using a program, including keystrokes and menu selections. All this is saved in a compressed file, along with screengrabs, which can then be used to diagnose the problem, either by you, or by someone knowledgeable in the ways of the program concerned. It’s really easy to use too, all you have to do is go to Search on the Start menu and type ‘PSR’ (without the quotes), click the Start Record button then do whatever it is that’s causing the problem and every action will be faithfully recorded.

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:



PC TIPS: Power saving with windows vista April 2010

not usFor those of you who run on solar systems one way to save Energy around the home is to reduce your PC running costs. It is quite common for some people to leave their computer running 24 hours a day, along with the connecting peripherals. If for example you have a high end PC and LCD monitor, you could be using up to 350W under heavy load and 200W when idle. If you have an old CRT monitor these figures could be even higher. Assuming that the average load is 275W and you leave your PC on 24/7, the cost per year would be around £250 (at £0.10/kWH) if you’re running from the national grid. This figure doesn’t even include optional extras that may be left on permanently, such as routers.

There are plenty of tips for reducing your PC power consumption, some obvious and others you might not know about. The power management tools on modern hardware and operating systems make it quite easy to reduce the cost of running your PC.

Reduce power consumption when not in use. Many people will leave their PC on overnight, just to keep a few documents open till the next morning. Fortunately, there are two simple methods you can use to get round this.

1. Hibernation mode creates a backup of your current memory contents (i.e. your computer state at a moment in time) and saves them to the hard disk. Once the backup is complete, your PC will power off exactly as it would if you shut down normally. However, when you turn your computer back on it will resume the previous state, allowing you to continue working on documents where you left off.
2. Sleep mode is a way of temporarily putting your computer into a low power state – sometimes called “stand-by”. This will still consume some power, but all non essential components are powered down (excluding the RAM). This is an ideal alternative to a screen saver, as the system state is preserved and normal operation can resume within a few seconds.

If you need to leave your PC on because you download files, then you can try using a download manager such as File Download Manager Downloadable from or UTorrent Downloadable from (for BitTorrent files). Both of these have an automatic shutdown option so you can leave your PC downloading overnight, but once this is complete your computer will automatically power off.

Use the Windows XP Vista Or Windows 7 Power Options. Most desktop users would be best suited by the “balanced” plan, perhaps with some additional customisation. To do this, click on “change plan settings”:
You can then configure when the monitor is put into standby mode, and when the PC goes into sleep mode. If you often leave the PC for long periods of time it may be worth automatically putting the computer in to sleep mode after 30 minutes, as this will save a large amount of power and allow you to resume working from where you left off upon returning.

power plan change settings
There are power saving operations going on behind the scenes, as some CPUs support throttling.
This means that if you are doing a non CPU intensive task (such as playing FreeCell), then you don’t need the full power of the processor. The speed will be automatically adjusted in the background to switch between different speeds depending on the power required at any particular time. The power savings from this do add up, especially when it comes to longevity of laptop batteries.

Be selective when buying hardware. Each piece of hardware comes with a different power requirement. Just looking at the PSU rating will not give a clear picture of the overall power usage, but you can make smart purchases to make sure you have the most efficient devices. Monitors are one component where there can be a huge variation in power consumption, as older style CRT monitors use far more power than an LCD alternative. It might even be cost effective (over period of several years) to swap frequently used CRTs for a modern LCD monitor.

Consider peripheral items. Most computers will have plenty of external hardware devices, such as routers, printers and speakers. Although they are only used at the same time as a computer, they are frequently left switched on permanently. The combined power consumption of all these devices in standby mode may only come to around 20W, not a very big saving, but it is “free” money just for the flick of a switch. Also here in Spain dust in your pcs especially fans being a big factor, causing them to overheat and fail, so to save yourself time and money, switch it off when you’re not using it!
For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:



PC TIPS: Back Up your PC March 2010

caffeineThis month after helping several people with failed hard drives, I thought it would be a good idea to mention a way of backing up all of your important data securely and online and for Free should your PC Ever fail, be stolen etc....

Although there are lots of paid services available Microsoft can supply you free of charge 25GB of online storage. To sign up all that you need is a Windows live ID that you can sign up for from here:- and the a Sky Drive from here:-
Then to map to your Skydrive through windows explorer Download Skydrive Explorer from:-

If all has gone to plan you now have an account with Windows Live SkyDrive, you can now map it to your Windows Explorer and use the 25GB free space available from your desktop. SkyDrive Explorer is a free and easy-to-use yet very powerful extension for Windows Explorer. With SkyDrive Explorer you can make any every-day operations with your documents from Windows Live SkyDrive which offers 25GB free space.
pc backup
When you connect to skydrive, you must enter the Windows Live credential into the logon box as below.

pc backup
Just be careful not to backup any sensitive documents into the Public area of your Skydrive! You can now access all of your important data from any computer.
For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:



PC TIPS: NEW access to British TV Feb 2010

Following Decembers article about accessing BBC Iplayer from Spain, The So Called FreeVpn Service that I recommended has now started charging for their connection to the United Kingdom, Due to misuse of their system (Nice of them to Cut it off over Christmas!).. Another way of accessing the UK to watch British TV is to use an application called TOR Which you can download from Which works, although not quite as easily as FreeVPN. This application enables you to surf the internet anonymously and installs Firefox as your default internet application.

Please again use this program with caution as it also redirects your internet traffic through unknown servers around the globe. If you’re not technically able please don’t try it! Additionally I am currently working on a way to automate the process below which when correctly tested I can provide for a small donation.  Please email me if this would be of interest.

Anyway for those of you who wish to try, firstly download the Tor Bundle with firefox included from the link above and follow the installation instructions from the torproject website, then follow the guide below to force it to connect to a UK Server.
Tor is a very useful application when it comes to access country-restricted websites. I am going to show how to configure Tor to mask your point of origin as though it is coming from a specific country.

Tor uses a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world and picks a random path between you and the destination server/site. The good news is that the exit node (the one that is visible by the destination server) can be specified. Such that you can specify a certain location for your visible IP address.
Here is how to do it.

Step 1. Install Tor with the Vidilia Bundle from the website above, if you don’t have it yet.
Step 2. Connect to the TOR Network and Go to for a complete list of all available nodes. When selecting your node take a look to: country, speed and node type. You should choose only high-speed exit nodes.

Step 3. Once you’ve found an exit node from the right country, click on it to go to the node’s details page.

Step 4. Copy the Router Name.
Step 5. Go to Vidalia Control Panel (double-click on Tor icon in the icon tray)
Step 6. Go Vidalia’s Advanced settings tab and see the path to your Tor Configuration File. This is where we’re going to specify our exit nodes.
Step 7. Open the configuration file (TORRC) and select to edit it with Notepad, and at the top of this file, paste the following two lines, with fingerprint1, fingerprint2 and fingerprint3 substituted by the Router Name(s) from Step 4.
ExitNodes fingerprint1, fingerprint2, fingerprint3
StrictExitNodes 1

Step 8. After restart, Tor will try to access one of those servers as an exit node.
You can now access BBC iPlayer, 4OD & ITV Player from outside the UK, or play games that aren’t available here in Spain.
This method is indeed quite complex and not as easy as FreeVPN. I will keep you posted when I have automated as much of this process as possible.
For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:




PC TIPS: Speeding up Windows, (All Versions) JAN 2010

COMPUTER COLDThe easiest way to quickly clean up and speed up your pc is to download the program mentioned below, although normally I would not recommend downloading any program to aid with system performance as usually they are a con of some description or install spyware or adware. This one is in fact pretty good and best of all its free!

To Keep your PC Running smoothly, Simply download the free application called CCleaner from CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner. But the best part is that it's fast (normally taking less than a second to run and contains NO Spyware or Adware!)
Running the application is simple. After downloading and installing simply click the shortcut on your desktop, and click Run Cleaner. This will automatically delete all internet history cookies and anything dodgy on your computer 


CCLEANER Under the registry section of the program you can run the cleaner in exactly the same way and CCleaner will remove any entries in your systems registry that shouldn’t be there! This will help your machine run at optimal performance. For more information take a look at
For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:




PC TIPS: How to watch BBC iplayer, itv and channel 4 in spain DEC 09

computer christmasOne Question often asked here in Spain is how to be able to watch BBC iplayer, ITV And Channel 4 on demand, These are basically blocked as they all detect your location from your IP Address due to TV licensing. However, you can get round this by connecting to a proxy or VPN server in the UK which you can do for free or there are premium sites to which you can subscribe to be able to use these services. If you download the following piece of software you can happily watch as much UK TV through your PC for free As long as you like.

However, please do this with caution as it will re-route your internet traffic through an unknown server somewhere in the UK! So only connect when you intend to watch TV and always disconnect it when you are done, also make sure that you have a valid TV License. If you still want to proceed with installing please go to my website at and download freevpn using the link and follow the simple setup instructions.

laptop  tv connection

iplayerOnce installed you will have a new shortcut on your desktop called Freevpn. Simply click this before opening BBC IPLAYER and tell it to connect and select one of the VPN Servers in the UK, then open the websites for BBC iplayer, 4OD, or ITV Player and watch as much TV as you like! When finished Follow the same procedure to disconnect. Please note the only known problem with this software is that it will change your internet home page each time you connect with freevpn which is annoying but I think free UK TV Outweighs this annoyance. To set your Homepage back to normal after using simply open internet explorer and click on tools then type your homepage eg: then click ok.

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:



PC TIPS: Tips On how to convert a new Windows Vista PC into English. NOV 09

With the Cost of Computers here in Spain now almost on a par with the UK, it now makes more sense to buy a PC Over here rather than go back to England to get one. My advice is to buy a Spanish PC and simply obtain the English language pack instead of getting hold of an English copy of Microsoft Vista as what Microsoft doesn't make widely available is that you can download and install free of charge Language packs direct from Microsoft’s website.

However Microsoft have tried to make it so that it isn’t that straightforward by locking the operating system to one Parent language, however some bright spark has now found a way to unlock the language barrier without breaking any copyright laws. If you follow the steps below you should have your shiny new vista pc talking to you in English, Spanish, Catalan or Welsh in no time!

What you will need to do first is to download the following Software.

The Software is called Vistalizator Freely Downloadable from this is a very simple program to use, simply download and save it to your downloads folder on your pc (or descargas folder in spanish). Once you have downloaded it simply double click the executable Vistalizator.exe, upon clicking the application a warning window will appear prompting you to allow permission to run it, click ok, then on the first window that appears look at the version of windows that you are running listed as system e.g. Vista Home Basic 32-bit RTM

Once you have found which version of windows that you are running visit and download the corresponding language pack to match your version. Once you have downloaded the language pack to your downloads folder or descargas folder (Which takes a while so a good time to get a beer or something!)

Once the language pack has downloaded which should be named something like this lp-en-us_c38cb05f3146b642c95743633998808fa5229875.exe simply open Vistalizator again and click add language And point it to your newly downloaded language in your downloads folder (or descargas folder) Once the English language appears in the list highlight it and click change language. You will then be asked to reboot your machine after the reboot your default language should then be in English.

Please note that you attempt this language conversion at your own risk and should not be attempted if you’re not confident in your IT Skills!

For help or advice call Paul on 600 224 428
or email:




The more you use your PC, the more it will collect junk files that you no longer need, taking up unnecessary disk space. It is therefore a good idea to regularly clean out your system, getting rid of the files you no longer need to make space for new ones. You can also run maintenance programs which can 'defrag' your files – in other words clean up and arrange them in a way which makes it easier for your PC to find. By doing this, you can improve the speed at which Windows runs programs.

The Recycle Bin
When you delete a file, usually this just means it has been moved to the Recycle Bin. If you do not regularly empty your Bin, the files inside may take up valuable disk space.
Double click the Recycle Bin icon on your desktop to see which files are currently stored in there. If there are any files in the Bin that you want to keep and put back in the original place you deleted them from, right-click on the files and select Restore. If you are happy you no longer require any of the files in the Recycle Bin, you can remove them from your computer completely by right-clicking the Recycle Bin icon and selecting Empty recycle bin.
You should empty your Recycle Bin regularly, at least once a week..

Remove Temporary Files
Temporary or junk files are left over by programs and are usually no longer needed. They waste space and that may eventually slow your PC down.
Internet Explorer stores many of the files used on the web pages you visit so that next time you go to a site it doesn’t have to download the same files again. However, this can build up over time and take up a lot of disk space.
In Internet Explorer 6 click on Tools then Internet Options. Under the section Temporary Internet Files on the General tab, click Delete Files. Tick Delete all offline content and click OK. When finished, click OK to exit the Internet Options window.
In Internet Explorer 7 click on Tools then Internet Options and look for the section Browsing History and click the Delete button underneath. Next Click the Delete Files button next to Temporary Internet Files.
The System Restore facility is a useful safety feature but it can also use up a lot of space, so occasionally it is worth clearing out the old restore points.
To do this, go to Control Panel, click on System then on the System Restore tab. Tick to turn off System Restore and click Apply, this will clear out all old restore points. Now un-tick to turn System Restore back on and use the slider to specify the amount of disk space you want it to use for future restore points.

Disk Cleanup
The Disk Cleanup system tool allows you to clean out Windows components and programs you no longer need, and remove temporary files.
From the Start menu, click on Programs> Accessories> SystemTools> Disk Cleanup.
The main Disk Cleanup window shows two tabs - Disk Cleanup and More Options. In the Disk Cleanup tab window, put a tick in the following boxes if you wish to clean out these unnecessary files:
* - Downloaded program files
* - Temporary internet files
* - Recycle bin
* - Temporary files
Click on the More Options tab and you can choose to get rid of unwanted Windows components, remove installed programs you no longer use, and remove all but the most recent System restore point.
When you have selected everything you want to clean up, click on OK then Yes to confirm you want to begin the Disk Cleanup process.

Defragmenting Your Hard Disk
Disk Defragmenter helps Windows arrange files on your Hard Disk in a way that makes it easier and faster for it to find your programs.
From the Start menu, click on Programs> Accessories> SystemTools> Disk Defragmenter.
It is recommended that you read the Defragmenter Help manual before beginning the defragmentation process. Click on Help from the menu at the top of the Disk Defragmenter window.
Defragmenting can take anything from a few minutes to several hours depending how fragmented the disk is, during which time you should not run any other programs.
Disk Defragmenter requires 15% of free space on your hard disk to work with. If you do not have enough space you will need to delete some files. To start the defragmentation process, click the volume that you want to defragment, and then click Defragment.



How to Send an Email to Undisclosed Recipients in Windows Mail, Outlook Express-AUG 2009

MARYMary and Her Friends Meet Mary. Mary has friends, many friends — friends all over the world. And Mary has stories, ideas, impressions, jokes and adventures to share. She shares eagerly, and she does it via email. Now, not every friend of Mary is also a friend of Mary's other friends. Most do not know half of their second-degree acquaintances.One thing people like about Mary is her considerate nature. Mary would never share the private email addresses of her friends, for example, not even with other friends. Then how does she send her emails to any group of her friends in one go?

It's easy. In her Windows Mail, Mary uses Bcc: recipients and cleverly puts herself in as the main recipient to send her emails to "undisclosed recipients" — a bumpy title for sure, but it works well.


Create an Address Book Entry for "Undisclosed recipients"
First, we'll create a convenient address book entry that makes sending emails to undisclosed recipients a lot easier:
Windows Mail:
* Select Tools | Windows Contacts... from the menu in Windows Mail.
* Click New Contact.
* Type "Undisclosed" in the First: field.
* Type "recipients" under Last:.
* Enter your email address under E-mail:. * Click OK.
Outlook Express:
* Select Tools | Address Book... from the menu.
* Click the New button in the toolbar and select New Contact....
* Type "Undisclosed" in the First: field.
* Type "recipients" under Last:.
* Type your email address under E-Mail Addresses:. * Click Add. * Now click OK.


Send an Email to Undisclosed Recipients in Windows Mail or Outlook Express


To compose and deliver an email message to a group of undisclosed recipients in Windows Mail or Outlook Express: * Start with a new message.
* Click on the To: button with the address book icon.
* Highlight your "Undisclosed recipients" entry. * Click To: ->.
* Highlight all other desired recipients.
* Click Bcc: ->. * Click OK.


* Now you can add any additional recipients in the Bcc: field.
* Make sure you separate recipients by semicolons.
* If you do not see the Bcc: field, select View | All Headers from the menu.
* Compose and eventually send your message.
Remember also to delete any addresses already listed in the email if you are forwarding it on. This will not only keep peoples emails addresses private but also shorten the email! Tell all your friends






Before you can use Outlook Express to send and receive e-mail, you need to set up an account. You can have more than one account—for business, online shopping, and so on—and each person who uses your computer may have their own, completely separate account. Outlook Express gracefully handles it all.
Start Outlook Express
There are many ways to start Outlook Express, but here's a sure-fire way to find and start it.
1. Click the Start button.
2. Point to All Programs.
3. Click Outlook Express.
4. If asked whether you'd like to open this particular account automatically every time you start Outlook Express, click Yes (if you do) or No (if you don't).
If you don't want to be asked this question again, click to check the Always perform this check... box.
5. Check When Outlook Express starts, go directly to my Inbox. Outlook Express directs all incoming mail to the Inbox, so it makes sense to bypass this opening page.
If you don't see the list of folders and contacts on the left, click Layout on the View menu. Click Contacts and Folder List to check them, and then click OK.
Tip:Quick start. You'll notice that when you use Outlook Express regularly, Windows XP will put the Outlook Express icon on the Start menu (along with other programs you've used recently). In that case, just click the Outlook Express icon in the Start menu to open the program.
Set Up an Outlook Express E-Mail Account
The Internet Connection Wizard makes short work of setting up your online mailbox by walking you through each step for every e-mail account you set up.
1. Before you get going, make sure you know your email address along with the following information. (You may need to contact your ISP, Internet Service Provider, to get it.)
First, information about the e-mail servers:
• The type of e-mail server you use: POP3 (most e-mail accounts), HTTP (such as Hotmail), or IMAP
• The name of the incoming e-mail server
• For POP3 and IMAP servers, the name of the outgoing e-mail server (generally SMTP)
Second, information about your account:
• Your account name and password
• Find out if your ISP requires you to use Secure Password Authentication (SPA) to access your e-mail account—yes or no is all that's required.
2. Start Outlook Express, and on the Tools menu, click Accounts.
If the Internet Connection Wizard starts up automatically, skip ahead to step 4.
3. Click Add, and then click Mail to open the Internet Connection Wizard.
4. On the Your Name page of the wizard, type your name as you want it to appear to everyone who gets e-mail from you, and then click Next.
Most people use their full name, but you can use any name—even a nickname—that people will recognize.
5. On the Internet Explorer Address page, type your e-mail address, and then click Next.
6. On the E-mail Server Names page, fill in the first block of information that you gathered from your ISP in step 1, and then click Next.
Note: If you chose HTTP as your incoming e-mail server—as for a Hotmail or MSN account—this wizard page changes slightly so you can identify your HTTP mail service provider.
7. On the Internet Mail Logon page, type your account name and password.
Note: If you're concerned about break-ins to your e-mail, click to clear the check in the Remember Password box. You'll then be prompted for the password each time you send or retrieve mail.
8. Click Next, and then click Finish.
You're ready to send your first e-mail!
Tip:Unsure if your new e-mail account is working? Send an e-mail message to a friend. If they get the message, your account is ready to roll! But if you run into problems setting up your account, Outlook Express offers help. Search for troubleshooting topics from Contents and Index on the Help menu.
Set Up a Web-based E-Mail Account. The e-mail that you get in a Hotmail account and other Web-based accounts is not stored on your hard disk, but is kept on the account-provider's computer. That's what makes it possible to access your account from any computer in the world over the Internet. Here's how you set yourself up.
1. Go to the Web site and follow the setup instructions—for example, for Hotmail.
2. Set up Outlook Express to use the account, by following the instructions above in Set up an Outlook Express e-mail account.






My browser window opens too small. Your web browser remembers the size it was last used at, so if you or a web site have changed the size it will appear like this the next time you start your browser.
To set the correct size, start your browser and hold your mouse over the corner of the window until you see the resize arrows, then click and drag to change the size, then close the browser. When you next start your browser the window should open at the same size.

Some Web sites do not display correctly. If particular web sites are not displaying correctly - with errors, missing buttons or images, links that do not work, incorrect layouts - this may be due to your browser security settings, which can block parts of a web site it decides are potentially unsafe (though there may be nothing wrong with them, it is just being cautious).
To change security settings in Internet Explorer click on the Tools menu then Internet Options, but be careful as changing to a low security setting might let unsafe content through to the PC.
There may just be a problem with the web site itself, in which case try again later.

Web page text is too small. You can increase the size of text on a web page by clicking on the View menu (Page in Internet Explorer 7) at the top of the browser window, then select Text Size and choose a larger size. This should work with most text on web pages though not all.

My browser address bar has disappeared. Click on View from the menu at the top (or Tools in Internet Explorer 7) then Toolbars. Click to tick the Address Bar option and it should reappear.

How can I get rid of pop-up adverts? To stop adverts opening in new windows you need a pop-up blocker. Both Internet Explorer 6 and Firefox have built-in pop-up blockers. In IE go to Tools > Pop-up blocker to turn it on or change your settings.

How can I tell if a web site is secure before buying? To know whether a site is secure before you give your credit card details, look at the address bar and make sure the web address begins with https://
There should also be a padlock symbol on the address bar (or at the bottom of the page in older versions of Internet Explorer) to indicate the site is secure.

How do I print only certain text or images from a web page. Rather than printing out a whole web page, you can select the particular text you want and copy it to a Word document, and then print it out.
Start Microsoft Word and minimise it by clicking on the minimise button at the top-right of the window. Now open your web browser window and click and drag your mouse pointer across the text you want to highlight it. Right-click and Copy. Return to Word by maximising it from the taskbar, right-click and Paste. You can repeat this process as many times as you like to get all the text you want into one Word document.
You can copy and paste most images in the same way by right-clicking on the image and clicking Copy. Alternatively you can choose Save As to save a picture to somewhere on your PC, for example the Desktop or My Documents. Then in Word, click Insert then Picture From File. Click to select the picture you have saved then click Insert.
You can then Print your document. By using Word you also have the ability to rearrange, edit and resize text and images before printing.





If you're running Windows XP or Vista with a computer that has a multiple core processor such as the Intel Core 2 duo you can increase how fast your computer boots up by having it use multiple processors for its boot sequence. Following the below steps to have Windows do this for you.
1. Click Start and Run (for XP) and type: msconfig and press enter.
2. Click the BOOT.INI or BOOT tab.
3. XP users highlight the line beginning with "multi" if not already selected and click the Advanced Options button.
4. In the Advanced Options Window for /NUMPROC= or Number of Processors change it to 2.
5. Reboot the computer.
Speed up the display load time of Microsoft Windows Explorer by disabling the feature to search for network printers and folders. By default each time Windows Explorer is opened it'll attempt to locate any network printer or folder on your computer network. If your computer is not on a network and/or you have no network printers, folders, or shares disable this option by following the below steps.
1. Open Windows Explorer
2. Click the Tools drop down menu and then Folder Options
3. Within the Folder Options tab click the View tab
4. Uncheck "Automatically search for network folders and printers"





EASTER BUNNYWelcome to this months computer guide. In these articles I will be giving some advice on how to make windows behave in the way you would prefer. This makes using your PC more enjoyable and efficient. These tips are for Windows XP, and although some of them are relevant, I will provide specific advice for Windows Vista in the future. Continued from last month:
6. Show Control Panel as a Menu
For quicker access to the Windows XP control panel's assortment of applications, you can set the control panel to appear as a submenu in the start menu, similar to the existing 'accessories' submenu.
To do this Right click on the 'start' button and choose 'properties.' Select the 'customize' button to the right of the 'start menu' option. Choose the 'advanced' tab and then in the 'start menu items' box, find 'control panel' and select the 'display as menu' option.
ASSOCIATIONS7. Associate and Un-Associate Applications from certain file types. File associations are what tells Windows XP which applications should open which type of files. Every file type has or will acquire a default program to open it (as long as one is available on the machine) and will then use this program every time. Since many programs will change these file associations when they are installed (to make themselves the default software), it's quite possible to end up with an application you do not want opening your pictures or documents.
To change this, you will need to open an explorer window such as 'my computer' then go to 'tools\folder options.' From the folder options, select the 'file types' tab, and wait while Windows builds the list of file types present on your PC

Scroll through the 'registered file types' box until you find the file extension of the file type you wish to change; JPEG, JPG or JPE for JPEG graphic files, for example. Highlight it and hit the 'change' button below to select a new application to open this file type by default.
As an alternative, you can also right click any file; go to 'properties.' And click the 'change' button to choose your application. Scroll through the 'registered file types' box until you find the file extension of the file type you wish to change; JPEG, JPG or JPE for JPEG graphic files, for example. Highlight it and hit the 'change' button below to select a new application to open this file type by default.
As an alternative, you can also right click any file; go to 'properties.' And click the 'change' button to choose your application.

I hope this provides a useful introduction to configuring Windows XP. If you have any questions on this or any other technical matters please feel free to contact me.
Colm Blake Tel: 660 600 636








Welcome to this months computer guide. In these articles I will be giving some advice on how to make windows behave in the way you would prefer. This makes using your PC more enjoyable and efficient. These tips are for Windows XP, and although some of them are relevant, I will provide specific advice for Windows Vista in the future. Continued from last month:

KEYS4. When navigating and handling files in Windows Explorer, the right click 'context' menu is extremely useful.
The 'send to' command on the context menu is a great way to move files around quickly, but by default it doesn't contain very many useful destinations. Fortunately there's an easy way to add more shortcuts, making 'send to' a quick and powerful way to move files where you want them most in Windows.To add 'send to' destinations go to 'c:\documents and settings\(your user name)\send to' . Note that this is a hidden folder by default, and you will have to have enabled the 'show hidden files and folders' option in the 'tools\folder options\view' menu of explorer before you can see it. This folder contains the shortcuts that the 'send to' command uses for its list of destinations. Simply create a shortcut for the directory or program you want to use and drag-and-drop it into the 'send to' folder to add that destination.
RIGHT CLICK5. To create a shortcut in Microsoft Windows, follow one of these steps.
Create a shortcut within the folder where the program resides. One of the easiest methods of creating a shortcut is to create the shortcut in the folder that the program resides and then copy and paste or move that shortcut to where you want it. To do this, open the folder or directory that contains the program you wish to create a shortcut for. Right-click on the program and click "Create Shortcut". This will create a shortcut named "Shortcut to <your program>" in the directory you are in. If you wish to rename this shortcut, right-click the file and click rename. Once the above steps have been completed, you can copy or cut this shortcut and paste it anywhere to execute this program. Create a shortcut using Microsoft's wizard. Move to the location or folder you wish to create the shortcut, right-click on an empty location of the folder or screen and click New and then Shortcut. Once in the shortcut wizard window, you will be able to browse to and select the location of the file( i.e. my pictures folder) that you want the shortcut to.
I hope this provides a useful introduction to configuring Windows XP. If you have any questions on this or any other technical matters please feel free to contact me.

Colm Blake Tel: 660 600 636





YOU TOUCH MY HEARTWelcome to this months computer guide. In the next few articles I will be giving some advice on how to make windows behave in the way you would prefer. This makes using your PC more enjoyable and efficient. These tips are for Windows XP, and although some of them are relevant, I will provide specific advice for Windows Vista in the future.

1. Increase the Amount of Frequently Used Programs Displayed on the Start Menu
The Windows XP user interface has some learning features, whereby it will customize itself to fit your computing style. One of the most obvious examples of this is the frequently used programs section on the bottom left side of the start menu, where shortcuts for the programs you have most recently used are displayed. Normally, this section only has room for about six program icons, but it's a fast and handy way to access your software, so why not add more?
To increase the amount of icons in the frequently used programs list right click on the start menu and choose 'properties'. Select the 'customize' button to the right of the 'start menu' option.
Change the 'select an icon size for programs' option to 'small icons' and in the 'number of programs on start menu' counter below, enter a new value based on how many icons you would like to see. Realistically, depending on your desktop resolution you are not likely to be able to fit more than 15 or so icons here, but enter a higher number if you wish. The system will cut off what it can't display. Hit 'ok' and enjoy your newly useful start menu.

2. Stop Automatic Grouping of Taskbar Programs
If you're not fond of the way that Windows XP groups similar icons together into a single entry on the taskbar (a group of Internet Explorer Windows for example), you can restore the default taskbar behaviour of previous versions of Windows quite easily.
I find that the default setting annoys me to no end, so this is something that I employ personally. Right click on an empty area of the taskbar or start button and click 'properties.' Choose the 'taskbar' tab and uncheck the 'group similar taskbar buttons' option. There, all done!

3. Close Multiple Desktop Windows Fast
If you've opened several related windows, there's an easy way to close all of them fast.
Simply hold down the SHIFT key as you click on the X button to close the most recent of the windows. This will close all the windows related to the one you clicked on. This is great for getting rid of all those windows that seem to generate when working with email and on the internet.

I hope this provides a useful introduction to configuring Windows XP. If you have any questions on this or any other technical matters please feel free to contact me.
Colm Blake E-mail Tel: 660 600 636





INTERNET SPIESThis months computer tips takes a look at how you can protect your identity whilst on the net, as well as ensuring your transactions made on the net are secure.
There are many reasons people have for wanting to surf the net anonymously. These can range from simple paranoia in terms of protecting personal data to buying that special present for a loved one. The most obvious need for anonymous browsing for most people is through use of a computer in an internet café.
Each of the main browsers, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, offer similar levels of privacy incorporated within their applications. *These privacy options mean that at a press of a button you can clear your browsing history, cookies and other traces of your recent internet browsing.
This option leads people to think "I just enable this great privacy mode and nobody will see what I am doing on the net, nobody will know where I am coming from, nobody will be able to steal my private data", however, unfortunately this is not entirely true and anonymous browsing goes one step further.
Previously, secure surfing on the Internet was only available to corporate employees, i.e. those with the available money to pay for it and the technical 'savvy'.
However, there is now a free application available to download named ‘OperaTor’ that ensures your browsing is private and secure. It creates an encrypted connection to a server so you can browse the internet, make secure payments and feel confident that your data cannot be intercepted by any other malicious users. Basically, it provides a buffer between you and the internet.
The one drawback is that you need to use the unfamiliar Opera Browser. I would suggest though that you use your usual browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox), except for instance, when you wish to shop or use your internet banking so that your important information is kept secure.
I hope this provides you with a useful introduction to browsing the internet in a secure and anonymous way. If you have any questions on this or any other technical matters please feel free to contact me.

Colm Blake
Tel: 660 600 636



Click on Tools in your Firefox menu located at the top of your browser. When the drop-down menu appears, scroll down and click on the Clear Private Data choice. At this point, you will see the "Clear Private Data" dialog box overlaying your browser window.



CLEAR DATAThe user is given several options at this point regarding what types of data he or she would like to delete. If the box next to a menu option is checked, that particular data type will be cleared upon clicking the Clear Private Data Now button.








Click on the Tools menu, located at the far right hand side of your browser's Tab Bar. When the drop-down menu appears, select the Delete Browsing History + any other areas you require... option. The Delete Browsing History window should now be visible, overlaying your main browser window.






DELETEThe first section in this window deals with Temporary Internet Files. To remove all of these temporary files from your hard drive, click on the button labeled Delete files.... A message dialog will then appear asking Are you sure you want to delete all temporary Internet Explorer files? Click on the Yes button. All of your temporary Internet files have now been permanently removed.










Christmas Advent Calendar : count down to Christmas Day with Online Games, holiday animations, activities for children, and Christmas surprises...CALENDAR
Christmas Time. Trivia brain teasers have some element of trivia in them, ...

December Mindbenders from
Christmas Wrapped Up
Mr and Mrs Black have just started their Christmas shopping and wrapping. So far they have bought a present for each of their four children, wrapped each in a different colour of paper, and spaced them equally in a line in front of the Christmas tree.
Determine whose present is which in the line, and what colour each is wrapped in, from the following clues:
1. Helen’s present is immediately right of the one wrapped in gold paper.
2. Eve’s present is further left than the one in red paper.
3. Peter’s present is further from the one in silver paper than the blue-papered one is.
4. Bernard has the girls’ presents immediately either side of his own.
Quick and Easy
1. You reach the camp just as it gets dark. You have no electricity, and when you open your matchbox, you find that there is only one match left. There is a log fire, a paraffin lamp and a gas stove. What should you light first?
2. New Year’s Day is always a week after Christmas. In 1979, Christmas Day was a Tuesday. What day was New Year in that year?
3. From the street, the name of a hairdresser’s shop appears in large cut-out letters stuck to the window. Inside, I look diagonally at one of the mirrors on the side wall, and see the name reflected in the mirror. Does the name appear the right way round, or reversed?
TREEThe Tree - What number goes at the top of the tree?.



Christmas Wrapped Up- In their order in the line, they are:
Child Eve Bernard Helen Peter
Paper Silver Gold Blue Red

the Tree-The number is 16, from 2 × 8. Each number is the product of the numbers two rows below it and horizontally either side.

Quick and Easy- 1. The match.|2. Monday, 358 days beforehand.|3. The right way round. The name is backwards in the window from inside the shop, and the mirror reverses it again.






SATYou’ve bought your dream finca, you’ve moved in and found the corkscrew. The pc is switched and you’re longing to email your friends all about your move.. but wait... ‘Where do I plug in to the internet...?’
This is a common question and the right answer can be difficult to find.
For internet outside of any of the villages or towns the choice depend on various factors and the price you pay for your internet can vary incredibly, as can its reliability.
There are several options available, but depending where you live the options may be limited.

Telefonica have a phone for use in rural locations called a ‘TRAC’ phone. If you manage to get one of these (some people have waited 3 or more years for one) it operates on their mobile network and provides you with a Spanish landline number and a dial up internet connection. It is, in many cases, pretty unreliable and is very sensitive to the type of modem you have. It is dial up so has a limited speed and many people find it incredibly frustrating as it has a habit of dropping the connection and having many connection problems.

GPRS (General Packet Radio Services ) via a G3 mobile phone or plug in USB adaptor. Various mobile phone companies (Movistar, Orange, Vodafone) have an internet package that operates over their mobile phone network. Availability depends on the strength of the mobile signal you have in your area (Burga valley, forget it!) Data volume tends to be limited and connection rate can be quite variable.

One way satellite. Both the Telefonica and GPRS systems can be improved by using a ‘hybrid’ system, such as the one from a company called SkyDSL (not affiliated with SKY TV!). As most users of the internet send small amounts of data but receive large amounts (such as web pages, pictures and so on) it is possible to use a system that uses satellite for receive only. Using this system the connection is made to the internet via the telephone and all outgoing data is sent via the phone, received data comes back via satellite. This improves the receiving data speed but still relies on, and is subject to, the difficulties of the Telefonica or GPRS connection.

Iberbanda is the best and lowest cost for a decent internet solution. They have various packages; the most common comprises an internet connection plus telephone with a Spanish phone number (300 minutes of free calls to Spanish landline numbers are included in the package). The internet speed is in the process of being upgraded in Cataluña and their basic entry package now has a speed of 1Mb and costs 45 euros a month. Data volume (the amount you can send/receive) is unlimited. Iberbanda works on microwave frequencies so relies on line-of-site to the closest aerial. You need a small ‘dish’, about the size of a dinner plate, pointing towards their aerial. If you can’t see one of their aerials (sorry people in the Burga valley and Benifallet) it won’t work.

2 way satellite systems can provide internet almost anywhere (as long as you have clear sight of the satellite). There are numerous providers of 2 way satellite in Spain and prices have, in the past, been extremely expensive, costing 3000 euros or more. Systems have now come down in price with the advent of lower cost communications satellites, and a SatDSL system from AstraCom can be installed and connected for as little as 690 euros. The newer systems are now able to handle both internet and voice calls and, for many locations, this is the only possible solution. A system comprises of a special satellite dish with a transmitter/receiver and one or two boxes to talk to the satellite. The system needs to be professionally installed and aligned to the satellite to ensure reliable connection. Data speeds and volumes can be selected from a number of possible options and monthly charges start from as low as 10 euros.
If you would like an internet connection or want more information then please contact me, Nigel Morton, on 620 353 138 – I am an agent for SkyDSL, Iberbanda and AstraCom






SHORT STORYMicrosoft Windows
Quickly get to the Microsoft Windows Desktop by pressing the Windows key and D at the same time on the keyboard.
Create a customized looking folder in Microsoft windows by saving one of the images or a copy of an image in the folder as folder.jpg. Once this has been done if you're viewing the folders in Thumbnail view that folder will display the folder.jpg image on top of the traditional folder.
How can I change how files are displayed in Windows Explorer?
1. Open My Computer or Explorer.
2. Click View at the top of the window.
3. Select Icons, Large Icons, Small Icons, List, Details, Tiles, or Thumbnails to change to the type of view you wish to see. We recommend "Details" for users not sure what to choose. Below is additional information about each of these types of views. Keep in mind each version of Windows is different and all of the below types of views are not available in all versions of Windows. If you do not see one of the below listed under view, your version of Windows does not support that type of view.
* Details - Our recommend type of view, details lists all the files in an easy to read format and also displays the size, type, and date modified in columns.
* Large Icons / Tiles - Display large icons of the files and folders with their names. Windows XP named this "Titles", in all previous versions of Windows this is named "Large Icons."
* Small Icons / Icons / List - Display small icons of the files and folders with their names. Windows XP named this "Icons", in all previous versions of Windows this is named "Small Icons."
* Thumbnails - Display large pictures of each of the files and folders in the directory. If the type of file is a image, movie, or other type of file that supports auto preview, you will see a picture of the file without even opening it. This is great for a directory containing photos.
Technical support phone calls
When calling technical support or customer service it's often frustrating having to go through each of the voice prompts just to reach a human who can assist you, which is why this months tip is a link to gethuman. This site is a database of 500 of the top companies, their phone numbers and how to get directly to a human.
For example, when calling Dell Technical Support you would press 3; say "agent" at each additional prompt, ignoring messages to get directly to someone who can assist you with your problem.
Calculator - Use the Google Search engine as a calculator by typing a math problem in the search. For exam





KEYBOARDQuickly bookmark any web page in all major browsers by pressing CTRL + D on your keyboard. Pressing these two keys together will open the bookmarks or favorites for your browser and allow you to quickly place a bookmark for the page you're currently at.

Internet browser favorites
Sort your Internet browser favorites or bookmarks in alphabetical name order by following the below steps.
Internet Explorer: Click Favorites and within the favorites click your right mouse button and select Sort by Name.

Quickly scroll using the space bar
Quickly scroll one page at a time in Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox by pressing the spacebar. Move backup a page at a time by pressing shift + spacebar.

Full screen Internet
Make your Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox the full screen without all the toolbars by pressing the F11 key. To restore the window back to how it was press F11 again.

Move forwards and backwards on web page with mouse wheel
Quickly move forwards and backwards between web pages by holding down the shift key and scrolling up or down on your mouse.

Determine the last update of a page your visiting
Determine the exact date and time when a website was last updated or modified by inserting the below string into the address bar.
Print only sections of a web page
Save on your printer ink by selectively printing in Windows programs such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, WordPad, Outlook, etc. To do this highlight portions of text you wish to print and click print. In the printer dialog window under Page Range choose the option Selection. It is important to realize that not all programs or printer drivers support this feature.

Increase decrease size of font with wheel on mouse
Quickly increase and decrease the size of a font on a web page by holding down the CTRL key on the keyboard and scrolling up or down with the wheel on a wheel mouse.

Save an Internet picture as your desktop picture
Quickly save a picture as your wallpaper by right-clicking on an image and choosing set as wallpaper.

Quickly move forward and backwards between pages
Pressing ALT + the forward or back button will take the user forward or back one page.
When increasing your color to 16-bit color you will notice an increase of picture quality on images viewed over the Internet.





SATdsl Connect, the new satellite based internet service

Are you, like so many in our beautiful Catalunya, still deprived of a normal fixed line phone connection or a decent broadband connection?? Then here is you answer.

2 WAY INTERNETSATdsl, the Central European based satellite service provider is introducing as of 1 September this year, their new SATdsl-Connect service. This satellite based service provides true broadband internet access starting at 10 Euro per month (excl VAT).

The service provides downlink speeds ranging from 256 Kb/s to 2 Mb/s and uplink speeds from 64 kb/s to 512 Kb/s.
In addition it is also possible to have a quality VoIP phone connection with a Spanish inbound number.

It is being investigated whether also IP-TV channels can be part of the scope of services


Please send us an e-mail at or give us a call +420 234690444
Local installation companies can do the installation for you






Gain faster access to your drives, printers, programs, etc., by customizing your "Send To" menu

hamster computerYou can easily send files to floppy drives, printers, briefcases, and certain Windows programs by right clicking on it and selecting a destination from "Send To" menu. But, did you know that it's possible to add almost any kind of device and/or program to the "Send To" menu to make it easier to transfer files to most frequently used destinations?

  • 1. Run Windows Explorer.
    2. Select your Windows directory (C:\Windows for example).
    If you're running Windows 95, select "SendTo" folder.
    If you're running Windows NT, select "Profiles\Default User\SendTo" folder.
    3. Now, simply create shortcuts inside the SendTo folder as usual to the devices and programs you want to have access to from the "SendTo" menu. For example, to add your WORK folder on your zip drive (D:\Work for example) to the SendTo menu:
    * Right click inside the SendTo folder and select "New | Shortcut"
    * Type "D:\Work" without the quotes and click on "Next"
    * Type a name for the newly created SendTo item ("My Work Folder" for example) and click on "Finish"
    Now when you right click on files, you'll see "My Work Folder" appear as an option in the SendTo menu.


  • By default Windows will open a new window every time you click on a folder icon / shortcut. If this makes your desktop harder to manage, you can ask Windows to keep using the same folder window to display folders.

  • * Open "My Computer" folder
    * Select "View | Options..."
    * Change to the "Folder" tab
    * Select "Browse folders by using a single window that changes as you open each folder"
    * Click on "OK"


  • If you're running any TCP/IP services (such as WWW service, FTP service, POP3/SMTP services, or even just NetBIOS over TCP/IP) on your computer, you may want to find out who's connected to your computer and from where at a given time. This information is easy to obtain using NETSTAT command.

  • * Go to the "DOS Prompt" or "Command Prompt"
    * Type
    NETSTAT <number of seconds>
    For example, if you want to redisplay the TCP/IP connections every 10 seconds, type:
    NETSTAT 10
    * Press ENTER





lap top porn image- Quickly bookmark a web page
Bookmark any web page form field and quickly access it from the browser address bar. Below is an example of how you could bookmark the Computer Hope search and quickly search for help anytime .
1. Right-click on the search box in the top left portion of this window.
2. Click "Add a keyword for this search".
3. In the Add bookmark window, type any name or leave it blank and for the keyword make it something simple and easy to remember. For example, "CH" for "Computer Hope" and click Ok.
Now in your address bar you can type: "CH " and then anything you need help with. For example typing: "CH motherboard" would open the search results for motherboard.

internet joke
- Undo closed tab
Oops did you mistakenly close a tab you didn't want to close? Press CTRL + Shift + T to undo a close tab. Pressing this more than once will undo multiple closed tabs.

- Quickly bookmark a web page
Quickly bookmark any web page in all major browsers by pressing CTRL + D on your keyboard. Pressing these two keys together will open the bookmarks or favorites for your browser and allow you to quickly place a bookmark for the page you're currently at. For example, pressing the two keys now would bookmark this page.

- Internet browser bookmarks
Sort your Internet browser favorites or bookmarks in alphabetical name order by following the below steps.
Firefox: Click Bookmarks and within bookmarks click your right mouse button and select Sort by Name.

- Bookmark search engines
Bookmark almost any search engine and have the capability of using it anywhere by following the below simple steps.
1. Right-click within the text box you wish to bookmark and click "Add a keyword for this Search.."
2. Enter a name for the bookmark and then a keyword you wish to use. For example, if you were doing this in computer hope you could type "ch" as your keyword and then click Ok to create the bookmark.
3. Once created in the URL bar type your keyword and what you wish to search for. For example, if you used "ch" as your keyword and wanted to search for Firefox you'd type: "ch firefox".
- Get to the address bar using your keyboard
Quickly get to the address bar in Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox by pressing the F6 key on the top of your keyboard. Opera users can press the F8 key to get to the address bar.

- Mozilla Firefox
Quickly save any media including embedded content to an alternate source by right-clicking on a page click "View Page Info", click the Media tab, locate the media file you wish to save and click the Save As button.

- Mozilla Firefox
Some quick tips for Mozilla Firefox users. First, quickly access the full configuration menu in Firefox by typing "about:config" in the address bar. In this window you can change a lot of different settings. Second, quickly open a new tab by pressing CTRL + T. Third, press and hold CTRL + # where # is 1 - 9 to switch between tabs in the open window. Finally, hold down CTRL while clicking a link to open that link in a tab or hold SHIFT while clicking a link to open that link in a new window.
- Quickly scroll using the space bar
Quickly scroll one page at a time in Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox by pressing the spacebar. Move backup a page at a time by pressing shift + spacebar.

- Full screen Internet
Make your Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox the full screen without all the toolbars by pressing the F11 key. To restore the window back to how it was press F11 again.
- Mozilla Firefox
Open all your daily visited web pages in two clicks. First, create a folder in your bookmarks that contains the web pages you visit daily. Once created you can right-click that folder and click "Open in Tabs" to get all your favorites in the folder opened in a new tab in the current window.





My PC has stopped responding! What do I do?
If a program or window on your PC seems to have frozen up and you cannot close it by clicking the X (Close) button in the top-right corner, hold down the CTRL and ALT keys together and tap DELETE once.
In Windows Task Manager click on Applications which shows all the programs that are currently running. You can usually tell which program has frozen or crashed as its Status will appear as Not responding. Click to highlight that program on the list then click on End Task. The PC will now attempt to close it. If it is successful you can then close Task Manager and the PC should be able to carry on as normal.
If Task Manager does not appear, try holding down CTRL, ALT and DELETE and keeping all three keys held. This will restart your PC, which will often fix the problem. If these keys don’t work, you will have to press and hold the power switch or turn the plug off. Turn the PC back on. Your PC should be alright but always try to avoid switching off without shutting down properly first.

File won’t open
Sometimes when you double-click a file, nothing happens or the program that is usually used to open that type of file can’t run it. Instead, right-click the file and use Open With.. to choose a different program to try to open it with. I’m running out of disk space.

I have deleted a file by mistake! What can I do?
First check the Recycle Bin on your Desktop to see if it is in there. Deleted documents go there first, so if you find it there and want to put it back where it was, right-click it and select Restore.
Once items are deleted from the Recycle Bin you will need special software to retrieve them, such as Recover My Files.

I can’t find a particular file or folder but I know it’s on my PC somewhere!
Click on the Start menu and Search all files and folders. Type in the name of the missing file or folder and Windows will try to find it.

I can’t see any system files or folders! Where are they?
Important system files and folders are usually hidden to prevent accidental deletion. They still exist but will not be visible.
To see them, open any folder and click on Tools then Folder Options. Click on the View tab and under the Advanced Settings list tick Show hidden files and folders. Also un-tick Hide protected operating system files. Now click OK.



Internet Tips

Internet Explorer shortcut keys.

If you are familiar with internet explorer shortcuts keys, you can increase your browsing speed and can handle many online browsing restrictions very easily.

Here are some common internet explorer shortcut keys.

* Press F5 to refreshes the webpage.

* Press Backspace button back to the previous page.

* Press Alt+Home button same time to go home page of the website.

* Press any time Ctrl+N to open the new browser windows.

* Press F11 key to view any webpage in full-screen view and then again press for normal view.

* Press Ctrl+P keys to send the print command for current whole page.

* Press Ctrl+H keys to view your browsing history.

* Press Ctrl+w keys to close the current browser window.

* Press Esc button to stop any page browsing.

*Press Ctrl+Enter Windows will automatically add both “www” and “.com”. For example, if we type
in an address bar and then press Ctrl-Enter, Windows will take us to the www.computerfreetips.





Published 17 November, 2007 Business and Industry , Entertainment , Malaga News , Spain News

This service is not available in all areas and cannot be used on all telephones to check if you can use this service in your area and with your phone you must first activate the service. Pick up your receiver and press * 10 # replace your receiver. Your answering machine (if available) should now be activated. To check this pick up your receiver and wait about 5-10 seconds. If the service has been activated you should hear a lady speaking (in Spanish of course) this means that the service is available to you if not ring telefonica on 1004.


Pick up the receiver and wait 5-10seconds until the lady stops speaking………………………….press the number 1 on your phone
When she stops speaking again ………………….press 4
When she stops speaking again………………… 0000
(See * below)
When she stops speaking again ………………….press 1
When she stops speaking again ………………….press
1 for English 2 for French 3 for German

To confirm the chosen language press. ……………Press 1 when she stops speaking
Replace receiver when she finishes talking. To test that you have done all correct just pick up your receiver and wait 5-10 seconds for her to start talking hopefully in chosen language

To de-activate the service pick up the receiver and press #10# to reactivate *10# you can do this as often as you wish.

* Your personal code - this has been installed as 0000 but you can if you wish change this

To pick up messages just lift the receiver and wait for 5-10secs if there are no messages you will be told there are no messages. To hear a message again press 1 press 2 to save the message or 3 to erase the massage.

Any problems call telefonica on 1004(free phone) for help and advice.
Telefonica´s free phone number 1004 (English speakers are available)





Useful telephone numbers




- CIVIL GUARD 977 380 106
TARRAGONA 977 635 300 OR 088
- CITY POLICE 977 309 212 OR 092
-SEA RESCUE 900 202 202
- LIFEGUARDS & WATER RESCUE 657818023-657818021
- WATER RESCUE, TARRAGONA 977216203-977216215


Citizens advice bureau: 012
• Traffic emergencies: 088
• Consumer information: 012

Lost credit cards in Spain
VISA and Mastercard: 915 196 000
American Express: 915 720 320
Other cards: 902 114 400

Lost credit cards / international
VISA: 900 974 445
Mastercard: 900 971 231



Barcelona British Consulate-General
Avenida Diagonal, 477, 13º
08036 Barcelona
Tel.: 933 666 200
Fax: 933 666 221

British Embassy Spain
C/ Fernando el Santo, 16
28010 Madrid
Tel.: 91 700 82 00 - 91 319 0200
Fax: 91 700 82 72

The Embassy of Ireland:
Ireland House
Paseo de la Castellana 46-4
28046 Madrid
Telephone: 00 34 91 436 4093
Fax: +34-91-435-1677

Irish Honorary Consul General
Gran Via Carlos III, 94
08028 Barcelona
Telephone: 00 34 93 491 5021
Fax: 00 34 93 490 09 86

Generalkonsulat Deutschland
Passeig de Garcia, 111
08008 Barcelona
Telephone: 932 921 000
Fax: 932 921 002

Generalkonsulat Schweiz
Gran Via de Carlos III, 94
08028 Barcelona
Telephone: 933 309 211

Generalkonsulat Osterreich
Calle Mallorca,214
08008 Barcelona
Telephone: 934 537 294
Fax:934 534 980

Nederlandse Ambassade
Avenida Comandante Franco, 32
28016 Madrid
Telephone: 913 537 500
Fax: 913 537 565


Public holidays in Catalonia:1 January: New Year’s Day; 6 January / Epiphany (Feast of the Three Kings);
March-april: Good Friday;March-april: Easter Monday; 1 May: Labour Day; 24 June: Saint John (midsummer);
15 August: Asumption of Mary; 11 September: Catalan National Day; 12 Octobre: Feast of the Hispanic Peoples; 1 November: All Saints’ Day, 6 December: Constitution Day; 8 December: Immaculate Conception of Mary; 25 December: Christmas; 26 December: Saint Stephen (Boxing Day).




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Looking for a business then visit our business directory online.

Catalunya biz

Please also visit our sister site for all businesses in Catalunya



Please note this website has nothing to do with The Olive Press magazine from January 2012 which is under a different ownership.

The aim of the WEBSITE is to provide readers with various articles some serious some humorous so that there is something of interest for everyone. We have found since moving here from the South of Spain that there is a lack of places to promote and advertise any business you may have. We are therefore offering this WEBSITE as a solution.

We welcome any suggestions of what you would like to see in the WEBSITE. Any articles of local interest or details of upcoming events can be submitted.

We are glad to see people are visiting our web site regularly. Please check the classified and business directory pages as these are updated as and when during the month.
There is also additional subjects and information about living in spain on the web site.

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mozillaIf you have trouble viewing this web site in Internet explorer then try a new browser. Mozilla firefox is similar to use, free and more secure.

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Disclaimer: Always Mañana does not accept responsibility for the contents of the articles supplied by contributors nor for the claims made by advertisers. If you wish to give us some feedback about a client, please contact us.