Dog of the Month

February 2015 Jasper

This little one is Jasper, he is about 4 yrs old, a cute, happy little dog, loves attention, gets on very well with other dogs, he has been in A.R.C.A.for quite along time, no one sees him because his kennel is out of the way to viewers, so I thought I would give him a better chance of adoption by showing him as Dog of the Month.

If you would like a great companion, this little chap is perfect.

Please call or text Mave 678975816, to give him the loving home he deserves.

Jasper 4 years old and loves attention

Jasper 4 years old and loves attention

January 2015 Dixie

We have done really well with adoptions over the last few weeks, I think more people know about a.r.c.a. now, it is amazing how many Catalan people don’t know about us. I have been there 10 years now, it does not seem possible, I will be 70 next month, I don t feel like it at all, but I do believe if you keep active it pays off.

Well I took this photo Yesterday for January’s dog of the month, as you can see he is lovely…..This is Dixie,he is about three years old, he has been neutered & is ready for adoption, he gets on well with any other dog, he is calm, loving & playful, as you can see he is very handsome. This is a perfect dog in every way.

Can you give Dixie a loving home which he deserves, if so please call or text Mave on 678975816. Thank you.

Dixie, so Loving and Playful

Dixie, so Loving and Playful

Dixie, waiting for a home.

Dixie, waiting for a home.

December 2014 Champ

LATEST NEWS: Gigi Novembers dog of the month has been adopted by a Catalan couple, I am so happy for her.

Champ is a shepherd cross, he came in at a few weeks old with his two brothers, which have both been adopted, one is going to holland, he is about five months old now, we would love him to get adopted while he is still young to be trained and grow up with a family, he is a good looking dog, very playful and loving. He will make a great companion and family dog. If you can give Champ a home please text or call Mave on 678975816 .

Champ longing for a home now his brothers have been homed.

Champ longing for a home now his brothers have been homed.

November 2014 Gigi

Our Dog Of The Month
This little sweetie is called Gigi, she is one & a half to two years old, such a good loving dog. She is waiting for some one to give her a home where she will be happy & loved. If you can find a place in your heart for Gigi,

please phone or text Mave on 678975816.
Thanks Mave, ARCA

Gigi, this little sweetie is waiting to come home with you.

Gigi, this little sweetie is waiting to come home with you.

Cute Gigi

Cute Gigi

September 2014 Tonka

This is our Dog Of The Month.
I have named him Tonka, after the big toys boys had years ago, it really suits him, he is like a lovely big toy. Tonka is about 2-3 yrs old, he came to a.r.c.a. with a very bad injury, he is fighting fit now & we would love him to have a good home where he could run about. He has been with us for about 6 months, he gets on well with other dogs, he loves to go for walks & is excellent on a lead, no pulls, just walks beside you, I think he would walk along side without a lead. The photo does not do him justice, he is a very handsome dog. I wish him luck for adoption.

Please can you give Tonka a home,

Please call or text 678975816.

Thanks Mave, ARCA

Tonka waiting for love.

Tonka waiting for love.

July 2014 Nora

We have a lovely dog which I cannot understand as not been adopted,I know someone who would love to have her nut butcher husband says no more dogs!!!

They have named her Nora, although it does not suit her at all. She is 2-2 1/2 yrs old, she recently had pups & we think that was the reason for abandoning her, she gets on really well with other dogs & loves human attention, she is adorable as you can see from The photo.


Nora waiting for you to adopt her

Please can you give Nora a home,

Please call or text 678975816.

Thanks Mave, ARCA


1 comment on Dog of the Month:

  1. Mave November 12, 2014 9:44 am


    Just to let you know Tonka was adopted yesterday by a Catalan couple. Thanks Mave, ARCA

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